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Experts: artificial intelligence will change the labor market in Latvia (+ VIDEO)

Deniss Voropajevs, an Estonian-born business development consultant and experienced head of the sales department, was one of the first in Latvia to apply AI to the company’s messaging tools and websites, thus ‘ reduce the number of employees three times and increase sales by 2.5. times. Which professional guides in Latvia are already at risk of artificial intelligence?

According to the expert, because today companies can significantly reduce staff costs by implementing artificial intelligence in various business processes: “I have been working in the field of sales for many years, and about half of the working day, sometimes even six hours out. of eight, spent on routine work – preparing answers to very similar questions, to enter customer data into the CRM database (a source where data about customers and their purchases gather at the same time, the average salary of a sales specialist). Latvia is 1,500 euros + taxes, and does not include costs for software, work equipment, office, training, and disability leaflets, holidays and… finding a new employee and changing them This is quite an expensive service for the business. After the introduction of AI, for example, our employees will not, for example, write responses to clients from scratch, but use the option already offered by AI or even just to be careful about the communication of AI with the client, assessing whether it is necessary to connect and “take control,” says D. Voropaevs.

In the field of sales in Latvia, the following tasks are already being developed with the help of AI:

Communication with customers, in addition, completely and 24/7.

This is a very important aspect, because today customers expect quick answers, and the person who answers the request faster and more accurately will be able to “take the customer away” from competitor when it ends. In fact, 95% of companies do not provide 24/7 customer support, although in Day’s experience, most transactions are done on weekends and evenings when people are free.

Storage and processing of customer data and any other data

Writing texts and finding the necessary data, it can be used both in communication with clients and also in the work of communication experts and social network.

“I’m sure that in the next three to five years of new sales and customer support, only the biggest sharks will be left. It will be replaced by AI, which is full of routine work. Already today, for $20 a month. , AI performs about 70% of the routine work in our company It is a human task to take care of AI and perform those tasks that require intellectual effort,” said Denis, adding that the introduction of AI made it possible to reduce the average time to respond to customer requests from one hour to five minutes.

MI also affects the work of communication specialists. It is not for nothing that the Meta universe can now add a badge that the publication was created by artificial intelligence. “AI helps to transcribe audio, titrate video, even in the creation of an audio commentary of an expert video, but in a different language. All this, without mentioning the creation the video itself. It speeds up the work process, and like sales, it requires human input to validate the work of AI, to humanize texts and change the ideas it offers, AI needs long-term training and at least it still cannot create texts and situations in a 100% human-like style, but it can be safely used as a source of material Like sales experts, the effect will be that they stay in the market with qualified professionals who are able to create ideas and original content leave or work for low wages, completely dependent on AI.

In the global market, AI is also actively used in influencer marketing. As with the creation of content for social networks, AI is a good assistant, evaluated positively by more than half (55%) of marketers. Meanwhile, 36.7% are concerned about a lack of authenticity in influencer content, while another 19% are concerned about potential consumer trust.

Vorkule emphasizes the need for changes in the assessment of written works in the learning process: students actively use AI in writing reports, coursework, diploma theses, but there are few ways to add still against it. “I have turned to oral tests and presentations: it allows you to evaluate how the student thinks, AI will not help him in any way. The knowledge is there or not.” This is an important part of the entire teaching process, because the job of universities is to prepare good experts, throwing away the ignorant ones. “In my professional experience, “experts” have relied almost entirely on ChatGPT when writing procurement requests.

In Latvia, the transition to the automation of processes has begun slowly, but irreversibly, emphasizing sales expert D. Voropajevs. “For example, last week 100% self-service was actively considered in the LIDO restaurant. In several grocery store chains, there are already hours when there are no cash registers at all This was to be expected, since there has been a shortage of labor in Latvia for a long time, the population is getting older.

2024-08-22 13:14:00
#Experts #artificial #intelligence #change #labor #market #Latvia #VIDEO

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