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Expert: Vaccines Proven to Protect the Community from the Past

Immunization is very important to form the body’s resistance against certain diseases

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Field Epidemiology Training Program Advisor (FETP) dr. I Nyoman Kandun reminds me of giving immunization oral polio routine that had been promoted. According to him, in the immunization, the immune system is known to increase.

“For those who have received routine polio immunization, then give it back vaccine polio will strengthen his immune system. Those who have not received the polio vaccine can be said to be able to get basic immunization, ”he said in webinar in Jakarta, Tuesday (17/11).

Therefore, he claims immunization is very important to build the body’s resistance against certain diseases. Immunization, also known as an important measure to prevent a disease, is primarily because it is more cost effective.

One of the massive immunization efforts the government has carried out is the National Immunization Week (PIN) program, which was started in 1995. The PIN at that time was a program to eradicate the polio virus.

Therefore, to optimize this, he emphasized that the community needs to recognize the stages in dealing with infectious diseases. Starting from controlling, eliminating and eradicating. He continued, in controlling polio in Indonesia, immunization was also carried out to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases.

“Meanwhile, eliminating is pressing to a very low number, to zero, but the virus does not disappear,” he added.

That, in contrast to eradicating what he means, in addition to reducing transmission to zero, the virus can also be eliminated. For example, smallpox, which is no longer found in the smallpox virus, so we can say it eradicates smallpox.

This expression was also confirmed by the Immunization and Supervision consultant for the CDC Atlanta Indonesia office for prevention and control of disease, dr. Jane Soepardi. According to him, immunization through vaccines is proven to be the most effective public health approach.

“In other words, it has also been proven that without vaccines and immunization programs, humans cannot win the war against the virus,” he added.

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