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Expert told why children are not threatened with coronavirus | In Russia

Scientists conducted studies that found that among patients with a new type of coronavirus COVID-19, only 1% were in the age category from 0 to 19 years. The main risk group was people over 60 years old who already suffer from any chronic diseases.

Pavel Volchkov, head of the MIPT genomic engineering laboratory, explained that this ratio among patients can be explained by the fact that a person has deeply embedded parental instincts and therefore protects his offspring in every way.

“When we hear that there is some kind of epidemic, pandemic and so on, we, as parents, are always very scared and try to protect our children. It’s not that children are less susceptible to infections. The act of infection of a child or adult is identical.”– says Volchkov.

According to the expert, parents usually take care of their children more diligently than themselves, which leads to the fact that the number of cases among them is less.

“First of all, when an infection occurs, all kindergartens and institutions are quarantined. The most effective measure to combat this particular epidemic is quarantine,” – the expert noted.

Last December, Chinese authorities warned WHO of an outbreak of unknown pneumonia in Wuhan. The causative agent of the disease was a new coronavirus, called COVID-19.

In China, the number of infected has exceeded 80 thousand people. 2 912 died, 44.5 thousand were cured.

Cases of infection outside of China have been identified in 61 countries.

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