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Expert Tips to Extend iPhone Battery Life and Protect from Damage

Tyler Morgan, a former sales employee at Apple, explained the best ways to save battery life on your iPhone.

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Below are the most important tips and methods for extending battery life and protecting it from damage, according to what the British Daily Mail reported:

– The battery does not charge 100%

Users shouldn’t charge the iPhone to 100% and disable Bluetooth and background activity, Morgan said. Morgan recommends charging the phone battery to 80% because batteries age chemically when they are constantly charged to 100%.

– Turn off background activity

Morgan stressed that iPhone owners need to turn off background activity, which prevents applications from working while they are not in use. This is done by going to General and then updating applications in the background. You will be shown a list of apps running in the background, which can be turned off.

– Turn off location services

Morgan suggests turning off location services for apps when they’re not in use, especially since many apps may ask users if they can track locations while running, allowing users to only enable the function when they’re in use or not enable it at all.

– Reduce the lighting and brightness of the phone

Morgan advised lowering the phone’s brightness to prevent battery drain, turning off Siri and turning off Bluetooth when it’s not being used.

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