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Expert Says Dinosaurs Was The Last Food Of Ancient Crocodiles

KOMPAS.com – About 95 million years ago where it is now is Australiaa ancient crocodile trying to prey on the body dinosaur and swallow it.

However, after eating the food, the crocodile died and became a fossil, including preserving the partially digested dinosaur in its stomach.

quote Science AlertWednesday (16/2/2022) the dinosaurs that fell prey to crocodiles were small dinosaurs, namely young ornithopods, most of which were bipedal herbivores including duck-billed dinosaurs.

The discovery of an ornithopod in the stomach of an ancient crocodile is even the first ornithopod bone found in parts of the Australian continent and may be a previously unknown species.

Ancient crocodile fossils itself was found in a well-preserved condition in the Great Australian Super Basin, a site dating from the Cretaceouswhich is about 145.5 million to 65.5 million years ago.

Also read: Living Since the Age of Dinosaurs, Why hasn’t the Crocodile’s physique didn’t change much?

The ancient crocodile fossil with the remains of the dinosaur it preyed on, was found to have no tail, hind limbs and most of its pelvis, but the skull and many bones from other parts of the body are still intact.

According to researchers when dead the crocodile is more than 2.5 meters long and is likely to grow bigger if alive.

With limited information about fossils, the researchers then named the ancient crocodile confractosuchus sauroktonos which means dinosaur-killing crocodile.

Crocodiles are known for the first time to coexist with dinosaurs in the Triassic period (251.9 million to 201.3 million years ago).

Previous evidence suggests that they later found several dinosaurs that could have been their prey.

Tooth marks on dinosaur bone fossils suggest that some crocodiles ate dinosaurs, either hunting or scavenging their remains.

Also read: Able to attack dinosaurs, the ancestors of crocodiles had teeth as big as bananas

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