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Expert Says About Wearing Valve Masks Can Transmit Corona Virus Omicron

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Covid-19 varian Omicron currently attracting the attention of the world community. It is said that the first patient of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 in Hong Kong is suspected of transmitting the virus through a mask with an air valve. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has previously advised the public not to wear valve masks. This is because masks cannot protect users from Covid-19.

“They (valve masks) do feel more comfortable to use. However, you are not protecting the people around you. We strongly discourage people from using valve masks,” said Infectious Diseases Expert Maybeth Sexton, quoted by CNN, September 2020 ago.

He said the valves on the masks made it easier for air to flow in and out.

“We strongly discourage people from wearing valve masks,” said Sexton.

Erlang Samoedro, a pulmonary specialist (pulmonologist) also revealed the dangers of using a valved mask.

“[Penggunaan masker katup] not recommended. If the valved mask is only safe for yourself, not for the environment,” Erlang said via text message, Monday (29/11).

A valve mask is a mask with a valve that functions to filter the incoming air as well as the exhaled air exit. In a review published in the Journal Narada Mercu Buana University, the working principle of the valve mask is to flow air from and out of the valve and is one-way, namely from the inside to the outside.

If the mask has only one valve, the air flow in and out only occurs at one ‘door’. As for the design of more than one valve, there is an air intake valve and an air outlet valve. Although it seems to provide extra protection, in fact this mask only protects the wearer.

“When used by people who are affected by Covid-19, the breath air comes out and has the potential to infect the surrounding area,” he added.

Then, what mask is recommended?

Erlang said the use of masks depends on the purpose of use. For daily activities, a double mask is recommended. Double mask means the medical mask is covered with a cloth mask. In addition to the double mask, he also suggested the KN95 model. According to him, KN95 masks can be used for daily and medical purposes.
“It’s also important, when wearing a mask, [harus lolos] fit test so that there are no leaks between the masks,” he said.

In addition to wearing masks, other health protocols such as washing hands, maintaining distance, reducing mobility, must also be observed. Don’t be careless and slack health protocols, especially those of you who have to be in public places.

The omicron variant was first detected in Botswana and then spread to South Africa. The World Health Organization (WHO) has assigned the variant to the ‘variant of concern’ group and is more infectious than the Delta strain.

The discovery of a new variant made a number of countries close their doors to immigrants from a number of countries in South Africa such as the UK, Israel, Germany, Australia, the US, Brazil, Bahrain, Thailand, Canada, Singapore, Kuwait and Mauritius.

(the / chs)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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