“Well, the normal thing is to always have the documents up to date and arrive early, always arrive early, a ‘snack’ for the child so that he is calm and enjoy the process,” said Paola Rosario.
With the unofficial arrival of summer and marking the celebration of Memorial Day, this year more than 42 million travelers like Paola Rosario, visiting the city from Orlando, will travel 50 miles or more, either by air or land.
An increase of 7% compared to last year, according to the forecasts of the American Automobile Association or AAA.
“After the pandemic you can see the number of people in the ‘full’ airports, that is, you have to arrive on time because the lines are quite long,” added Rosario.
And not even inflation stopped many from taking a plane during this holiday weekend, exceeding pre-pandemic levels with 170,000 more passengers.
A young man who came from Florida took certain precautions.
“Early morning trip to catch a cheap flight, you know, avoid being in traffic, you know, a chorus of people,” Brian Duarte said.
Nearly 3.4 million travelers are expected to fly to their destinations on this date, representing an 11% increase over last year.
Gasoline prices this year are significantly lower than AAA last year, so an estimated 37.1 million people will be hitting the roads, an increase of more than two million from last year.
These are some of the recommendations of the experts so that this weekend is to your liking and without any mishap.
-The AAA also suggests arriving on the day of the trip in advance, not checking luggage and signing up for TSA PreCheck to expedite passage through the terminal.
-They encourage the use of public transport, rental vehicles or taxis when traveling to the airport, to avoid congestion.
-And if you are going to drive the advice is to leave early.
According to AAA data, tourist spots such as Orlando, New York and Las Vegas are the main national destinations, and European cities such as Rome and Paris among the most popular international destinations for this holiday weekend.
The Port Authority expects about 2.1 million passengers to pass through its airports and encourages travelers to allow for additional travel time.
And for those staying in the tri-state area, expect some nice weather this holiday.
2023-05-26 17:48:00
#Arrive #early #arrive #early #travel #advice