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Expert Predicts Bitcoin Price to Reach $40,000 and Recommends Opening Long Positions at $28,500

Bitcoin Price Expected to Continue Rising Towards $40,000, Says Trading Expert

June 22, 2023 – Michael van de Poppe, the founder of the Eight trading platform, has expressed his belief that the Bitcoin price will continue to rise towards $40,000. According to him, the current level of $28,500 is an excellent opportunity for investors to open long positions.

In a recent tweet, van de Poppe stated, “I think, $28,500 is a great spot for longing, the lower the better, but I think that’s the zone where you want to get it before we’ll continue to $40,000.” He also mentioned that levels below $28,500 are even more preferable for opening long positions.

The trading expert further noted that the digital gold dominance index is approaching significant resistance. He believes that this will lead to the consolidation of Bitcoin and a shift in market attention towards altcoins.

Van de Poppe’s optimistic outlook on Bitcoin comes amidst a growing interest in cryptocurrencies as alternative investments. In May, he urged investors to move their money from banks and invest in hard assets like precious metals, Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies.

His predictions align with those of other industry experts, such as Michael Saylor, the founder of MicroStrategy. Saylor has previously stated that he expects a multiple growth of digital gold due to regulatory actions, with the SEC laying the foundation for the next bullish phase.

As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, it is important for investors to stay informed and make well-informed decisions. However, it is crucial to note that the material published by ForkLog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an investment recommendation. Readers are advised to conduct their own research and exercise caution when making investment decisions.

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According to trading expert Michael van de Poppe, what is the current price level that provides an excellent opportunity for investors to open long positions in Bitcoin

Bitcoin Price Expected to Surge Towards $40,000, According to Trading Expert

June 22, 2023 – Trading expert Michael van de Poppe, the founder of the Eight trading platform, has expressed his belief that the price of Bitcoin will continue its upward trajectory and reach $40,000. Van de Poppe suggests that the current price level of $28,500 provides an excellent opportunity for investors to open long positions.

In a recent tweet, van de Poppe stated that he considers $28,500 a great spot for investors to enter long positions, with lower levels being even more preferable. He also mentions that the digital gold dominance index is approaching significant resistance, which will result in Bitcoin consolidating and altcoins gaining more market attention.

Van de Poppe’s positive outlook on Bitcoin aligns with the predictions of other industry experts, including Michael Saylor, the founder of MicroStrategy. Saylor has previously stated that he expects a significant increase in the value of digital gold due to regulatory actions, with the SEC laying the groundwork for a bullish phase.

Investors should stay informed and make well-informed decisions as the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve. However, it is important to note that the material published by ForkLog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Readers are advised to conduct their own research and exercise caution when making investment decisions.

Stay updated with the latest news and developments in the Bitcoin industry by subscribing to ForkLog on social networks.

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2 thoughts on “Expert Predicts Bitcoin Price to Reach $40,000 and Recommends Opening Long Positions at $28,500”

  1. This article offers an interesting prediction on Bitcoin’s price, suggesting it could soar to $40,000. The recommended strategy of opening long positions at $28,500 is worth considering for those invested in cryptocurrency. It will be intriguing to see if this expert’s forecast proves accurate.

  2. This prediction is quite bold, but if the expert’s track record is reliable, it’s worth considering opening long positions at $28,500 to potentially reap the benefits of Bitcoin’s rise to $40,000.


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