Home » World » Expert Grigory Tamar Proposes Israel-Ukraine Military Alliance: A Solution to Many Problems

Expert Grigory Tamar Proposes Israel-Ukraine Military Alliance: A Solution to Many Problems

Military expert Grigory Tamar named an effective way to solve many problems of Israel and Ukraine.

“What should we do to get help from the Americans?” – journalist Natasha Vlashchenko asked Grigory Tamara. In response to this, the military expert suggested that Ukraine and Israel join forces by creating a military alliance.

You can watch Grigory Tamara’s interview on the channel YouTube.

An Israeli historian voiced the idea of ​​creating a military alliance between Israel and Ukraine: “Together with us, you must create a defensive-offensive strategic alliance and use our potentials and resources in the same way as we will use yours. Then the Americans’ eyes will widen in surprise; they will look at you and at us completely differently. Pleasant, respected, worthy countries, such as the Czech Republic, will immediately join us.”

At the same time, Grigory Tamar explained why Israel and Ukraine should create a defense organization: “I sincerely believe that (historical circumstances have developed that our two completely different states were drawn into a war for survival, and this is not a metaphor, but a reality, and so it turns out that we have the same friends and enemies), that if we pool our resources, then we will have fewer of these problems. Our politicians will have to find these mechanisms, work out instrumentally how we can create a Union of sensible states“.

Previously Tamar warned what kind of adventure Putin might decide on.

Meanwhile Tamar named a trump card in the hands of Ukraine, which it has not yet used.

Let us remind you that Tamar named a border city of the Russian Federation, the capture of which would be a crushing defeat for the Putin regime.

2024-04-14 04:31:07
#Tamar #interesting #proposal #Ukraine #behalf #Israel #eyes #pop #surprise

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