new york, are exemptwho own guns.hope: as we said to thebeginning of the news, thegovernor kathy hochuldeclares a state of emergencyby smallpox the monkey.the mayor of the city ofnew york eric adams saidbe assessing the situationwhether to declare an emergency.this was earlier thangovernor kathy hochuldeclared a state of emergencyesá noche.smallpox infectionsmonkey exceed 20,000 in78 the united states there are more than4900, of those in new york there are1000 of 140 and seven cases, newJersey 110 and in Connecticut, 28.before tonightgovernor will declare the stateemergency, we talked withDr Gustavo Palacios,viologist and professorSchool of, thank you for accepting thatinterview. we want to know, thestate health commissionerof new york has said that thesmallpox the monkey is a menaceimminent for healthpublic. and leave?>> is a risk situation.the smallpox diseasemono has normally beencontrolled with few cases ofperson-to-person transmissionpersona.the last few months is aincrease in transmissionamong infected cases.that is the cause of fear, oflet this speed up in thanicivil and.hope: must be declaredstate of health emergencyfor this situation?>> have stated that this isan extreme situationcases are mild and there is noreasons to think there is achange in virulencepathogen of this virus, thefact that most of thePoblacón is not vaccinatedagainst related virusesthat generate some kind ofprotection, makes there be arisk that the continuationtransmission of this virustransform as enemic in thepopulation, that is the largestrisk.most cases areMild, resolve withoutaftermath.the greatest risk is that thesenormalize and expand.obviously there was more risk ofthat they could start