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Expert explains about the variants of the coronavirus in the United Kingdom and New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

love.it is believed that he did the same insix other accounts ininstagram.two of the powerful variantsof young people continues to preparein new york, seún, the strainsfrom the United Kingdom and theidentified in new york areresponsible for 50% ofinfections in all five boroughsof the city, a clear messagethat it is not time to go downthe guard, thereforewe talked with the doctormaya lima, dean withPhD in microbiology andpublic health.doctor, today it was unveiledthat more than half of thecurrent infections come fromof specific variants.the one in the united kingdom was from newyork.Are these contagious wings thatthe original variants ofcovid19?.í, the contagious wings,cause infections, wingscontagious than the variant ofEngland.with the new york variantgot worse, now the variant ofnew york has surpassedinfections.It does not cause more death, I do not knowthink it causes more deaths …then they are to the cases, butthey are not lethal wings.gisel: if for example II put the two doses of thevaccine, either from pfizer, ormodern, am I immune tothese variants?there are many people inhouse what are they doing thissame question.we know, we bothPfizer and modern vaccines areby johnson & johnson, it doesn’t look likethat there are problems with those twovariants, the council of thepoblacón is that they put thevaccine they may receive,three shots are excellent.with the variants it seems notthere is a problem.gisel: one vaccinated, can Igo out on the streets without savingsocial distancing?I do not recommend the cdc,we must get to themask, have distancephysics.we can infectothers that have not yet receivedthe vaccine, that’s the problem,because we ectarwe do not know, vaccinesprotect when infection isan ísero ía the death is of100%,.when we don’t have intomaswe can infect otherspersons.now the cdc has said yesterdayMonday, what are wevaccinated, we could be inthe house with other people whohave received the vaccine withoutáscaras, but in the house, withfew people, with groupsguys, not many people.but outside no, it is not convenient,mask, physical distance andall is.gisel: finally, despitethat there is not much informationabout these variants, theadvice is the same: it isimportant to get vaccinated.more than anything, same with thevaccine, mask, distancesocial, meet with usthat we know each other, not withexpressions that we do not know.gisel: we must continue to be

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