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Experience the Powerful Blue Moon of August 2023 and Change Your Destiny with These 5 Full Moon Rituals

The first full Moon, known as the Sturgeon Moon, reached its zenith on August 1st. The August 2023 Blue Moon promises to be an amazing celestial phenomenon – it will shine brighter and appear much closer than usual. This is the third of four consecutive supermoons to make their celestial show. Do not miss this special moment on August 31 to make a pleasant change in your life.

The most powerful full moon of 2023 will begin on August 31 – a blue moon will rise over the world

The Blue Moon will shine in the night sky on August 30, 2023, and will shine throughout the night until sunrise on August 31. At the same time, the skyscrapers of Saturn will be her faithful companion. To immerse yourself in this celestial spectacle, you just need to look at the night sky on the evening of August 31.

Choosing when to observe the full moon on the 31st depends on your geographic location and current time zone. Keen observers can enjoy the peak of the full moon at 9:35 PM ET (01:35 GMT Aug 31). The beginning of this magnificent spectacle will come the moment the moon rises above the horizon.

The moon will shine throughout the night, so you can enjoy its splendor anytime after sunrise.

Do’s and Don’ts on August 31, 2023?

August 31, the evening of the full moon, provides a unique opportunity for various rituals and practices that can help you make positive changes in your life and connect with higher energies.

On this day you can:

To meditate

Meditate by focusing on your intention and visualizing the achievement of your desires. The moon can serve as a powerful source of inspiration.

To create talismans

Making amulets or talismans with symbols or materials that match your intentions can be an effective way to bring about the changes you desire.

Conduct release rituals

Symbolically burning a letter with what you want to let go of can help you release old obligations and emotions.

Make wishes come true

Write a list of your desires and goals that you would like to achieve. At this point, they can get extra energy and support.

What not to do:

To think negatively

Avoid wallowing in negative thoughts and emotions. A full moon can heighten emotions, so try to keep your mind clear.

To argue and enter into conflicts

Avoid starting arguments or conflicts at this time. The energy of the full moon can make things more tense.

To make risky decisions

Do not make important decisions hastily under the influence of emotions. Give yourself time to think and assess the situation.

5 Full Moon Rituals August 31, 2023 for 100% Change of Destiny

Smoking with white sage

Clearing the space around you with white sage is a process that involves burning this sacred plant to renew your life and get rid of negative energy.

Immerse yourself in the affirmations

Affirmations are powerful affirmations that you can repeat to yourself to direct your efforts toward achieving your desires. On the night of the full moon, they take on a special power to help you express your intentions and goals.

Lighting a candle

Lighting a candle is an incredibly simple yet magical way to channel your energy and intentions into making your wishes come true. Choose a candle color that matches your goals: green for abundance, pink for love, or another color that reflects your personality.

Release Ritual

The ritual involves writing down anything that no longer serves your best interest, be it negative beliefs or old habits, and then symbolically burning them as a symbol of liberation. This ritual will help you release old attitudes and make room for new possibilities.

Meditation with visualization

Visualization meditation is the process of visualizing yourself in a desired situation or goal. On the night of the full moon, you can imagine yourself successfully achieving your goals and making positive changes in your life.

2023-08-21 03:23:09

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