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Experience the Night of the Night at Sheepfold

HIt is pitch dark at night at the Ermelo sheepfold. An ideal location for experiencing the Night of the Night. Saturday 30 October is this national event, in which attention to the darkness is central.

Local organizations provide nightly activities at and in the vicinity of the sheepfold between 7 p.m. – 10 p.m

The Night of the Night is suitable for all ages and all activities are free. Stars and constellations can be viewed through telescopes; there are night excursions over the heath and through the forest, presentations about nocturnal animals, bats, energy conservation and wildlife (collisions).

Experience the darkness

The accent of the evening is on ‘experiencing’ the darkness and the silence of the night and nature. The Ermelo sheepfold is an ideal location with little light pollution and no buildings for miles around. There is only a light in the visitor center; around it it is almost dark.

In clear weather, a telescope will be set up on the lawn near the sheepfold, with which it is possible to look at the planets Jupiter and Saturn in the early evening. The binary star Albireo belonging to the constellation Swan will also be shown, it is easy to see that these two stars are different in color.

Furthermore, stars and constellations will be indicated with a laser pointer, such as the constellations Big Dipper, Little Dipper, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, De Lier, Swan, Eagle, Pegasus, Perseus, Carter and Dolphin. In addition, the main stars Deneb, Wega, Altair (these three together form the summer triangle), further the North Star and Capella. Our nearest galaxy Andromeda is also visible (with binoculars or telescope).

Feel free to bring your own binoculars.

In cloudy weather, a Tellurium will show how it is that we have seasons on earth. The phases of the Moon will also be shown and explained as well as solar and lunar eclipses.

Night lectures

At the beginning of the evening there are shorter walks especially for (grand) parents with children. At 8.50 pm there is a silent walk on the Ermelosche Heath. All walks are led by guides and are extremely popular. The use of flashlights and mobile telephones is not allowed, only in extreme emergencies. Occasionally there is a stop to listen to birds and other night sounds.

Lectures and stories

Short lectures are held on the top floor of the visitor center.

In short; lots to do in the dark this evening!


The organization of this evening is in the hands of five organisations:
– the foundation Natuur- en MilieuPlatform Ermelo (NMP Ermelo)
– the Royal Dutch Natural History Association (KNNV)
– the Star Association Astra Alteria
– the Green Network
– the Schapedrift Ermelo . Foundation

Entrance is free; registration is required via www.schapedrift.nl.
The Corona QR code will be used for the event

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