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Expensive Lawyer: Prosecutor’s Office must request an impediment to leave the country for Merino

After it was announced that Congressman Manuel Merino of Popular Action traveled to the United States this Sunday, December 27, the criminal lawyer Carlos Caro considered that the Prosecutor’s Office should request that the legislator be prevented from leaving.

“When we are talking about investigations against high officials of the State, a minimum effort that the Prosecutor’s Office has to make is to request the impediment, which he has not done, “he told La República.

It also indicated that, from a legal point of view, “the Attorney General’s Office he has the power to immediately request an impediment to leave the country ”, but that no greater order corresponds due to the stage in which the investigation against him is located.

“In this preliminary stage, here there are no arrests or anything, because he would have to accuse him in Congress, he would have to go through a constitutional prosecution process. The maximum that can be put on him is an impediment to leaving the country in such a way that if he returns he will not leave again.“Said Caro.

Likewise, he said that the Merino case “is not high risk” from a legal point of view. However, if the acciopopulista does not return, the judicial entity could take other measures.

“The Prosecutor’s Office could continue with the case. He would have to request the prosecution from the Congress and once they accuse, go to the preparatory stage. There, the Prosecutor’s Office can request an arrest, but that will take a long time. It is not automatic, “said the lawyer.

No information about Merino’s trip

The Republic contacted the also acciopopulista congressman Ricardo Burga to ask him if he knew the reason for Merino de Lama’s trip abroad; but he replied that he was not aware of his departure.

I do not know who has traveled. I suppose you have been able to leave for two reasons: family or health. I don’t know, ”said Burga.

On the other hand, sources from Public ministry consulted by this newspaper did not know that the former president of the Congress he had traveled to the United States. On this, they explained that since they do not have an impediment to leave the country, they do not have to account for their trips abroad.

“In Peru there are thousands of people with tax investigations and that does not prevent them from leaving the country. It does not prevent them from free movement. He is not prevented from leaving the country; therefore, you would not have to report it. Not even the Prosecutor’s Office has information about that, or at least they haven’t told me, “he said.

Manuel Merino travels to the United States in the midst of a crisis in the agricultural sector

This newspaper learned that legislator Manuel Merino left the country this Sunday, December 27, bound for Atlanta, in the state of Georgia, United States, through a flight operated by Delta AirLines.

It should be remembered that the former head of Parliament has tax complaints against him for intentional homicide, forced disappearance, abuse of authority, serious and minor injuries that were carried out during the protests carried out as a result of the congressional coup d’état and in rejection of their de facto regime, in which Inti Sotelo and Bryan Pintado were assassinated.

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