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Expenditure on ICT research and development has doubled in the Czech Republic in five years

“More than 16 billion crowns went to research and development of software, applications and other ICT services in 2020, and seven billion went to this activity in the field of development of ICT equipment and electronic components,” said Martin Mana, director of the CZSO development statistics department.

As part of the employees moved to the online space, the need for specialists in ICT fields increased in the labor market. According to the latest data, 210,000 people already work as ICT experts in the Czech Republic and their share in the employed population is around the European average, ie four percent. The highest, almost 8%, representation of these experts in Finland and Sweden.

“In all EU countries, men outnumber women among ICT professionals. In the Czech Republic, however, this difference with a ratio of nine to one in favor of men is the most significant. In Finland and Sweden, but also on an EU-wide average, the proportion of women among ICT professionals is approximately 20%, “added Eva Myšková Skarlandtová, Head of the CZSO’s Statistics, Research and Development and Information Society Department.

Exports of computer services and software from the Czech Republic increased by 11 percent year on year from CZK 91 billion in 2019 to a record CZK 101 billion last year. In 2020, these services accounted for 17 percent of total exports of services from the Czech Republic, compared to a tenth in 2015.

In 2020, almost 22,000 people studied ICT at universities in the Czech Republic. These students accounted for seven percent of the population of all undergraduates. Among university students in ICT fields, the representation of women and also the representation of foreigners has been growing for a long time. While in 2010 ICT students made up only 12 percent, in 2020 it was already 17 percent.

The average gross monthly salary of ICT specialists increased by 6.5 percent year-on-year last year and exceeded 70,000 crowns for the first time. It was thus 32,000 higher than the average wage of other employees in the Czech Republic.

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