5:40 p.m.currently not reportedarrests.adriana: a federal court ofnew york has in his handsthe future of thoseimmigrants who benefitif.Mariela Salgado tells usabout this legal process.Mariela: that’s right, what’s happening isthat there are still dozens ofthousands of people in this countrythat they have not been able to solve theirmigratory situation.we are talking about thosepeople who want to finddaca.this court could well decideHer future.armed with courage with her lawyer,this Ecuadorian mother broughtbrooklyn federal courtto ask the judge for the80,000 immigrants who nowThey are in limbo.>> the uncertainty of notknow what will happen with daca.Mariela: This is the pee thatknown since he was 14 years old, wherehas armed his life and that of hisfamily.>> it’s difficult because I don’t knowcan plan lifeknow that a decision bypart of a judge canMariela: like it or not, this is thereality. in this pee there is1,000,000 people among thethat they have and want daca. some600,000 have it and canrenew . new york there38,000, 81% work and 92they graduated from high school. acehalf has gone to theuniversity, 20% havesons.there is a difference ofpeople who haven’t yetcould have daca, why?there is a court that reopeneddaca for people who neverthey had before inDecember 2020 and the court ofnew york reopened daca forthese applicants.another court in texas in julyof 2021 closed the program forthese new applicants, butwe are going to ask him to order thegovernment process the 78,000Applications.if they have tried to applydaca for three times they wantfeel safe, they no longer wantbe thinking that they could beseparated from their children.Mariela: If the judge decidesrule in your favor, thenthese people who aretrying to apply oncemore and renew the daca program,they could have about