Home » World » Expats’ Guide: Dental Insurance Coverage in Saudi Arabia and Treatment Options

Expats’ Guide: Dental Insurance Coverage in Saudi Arabia and Treatment Options

Jeddah-There are a lot of expats who postpone dental treatment for vacations at home. Lack of knowledge about which dental treatments are covered by medical insurance makes most people postpone treatment until they go home. Another reason is the perception that the best dental treatment can be obtained locally.
Officials informed that the insurance in Saudi Arabia includes treatment up to 1200 riyals during the policy period. This amount is covered in the basic policy. Depending on the change of classes, more amount of treatment will be available.
Up to 1200 Riyals are covered for root canal and emergency treatment. Insurance coverage includes fillings, cleanings, tooth extractions, etc.
If dentists recommend tooth extraction, endodontists (root canal dentists) can be consulted for expert advice on root canal treatment.

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2024-01-07 10:53:40

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