Home » today » News » Expand the coverage of “Internet + bright kitchen and bright stove” to strictly check the safety of the “tip of the tongue” on the campus before the school starts-Qianlong.com·China Capital.com

Expand the coverage of “Internet + bright kitchen and bright stove” to strictly check the safety of the “tip of the tongue” on the campus before the school starts-Qianlong.com·China Capital.com

Source title: Expand the coverage of “Internet + bright kitchen” and strictly check the safety of the “tip of the tongue” on campus before school starts

Beijing will carry out in-depth campus food safety protection actions. The Municipal Education Commission and other three departments recently jointly issued the “Notice on Effectively Doing a Good Job in School (Kindergarten) Food Safety and Nutrition and Health Work in 2023”, clarifying that each district will organize special management of food distribution companies, school canteens and surrounding campuses, and expand The coverage of “Internet + bright kitchen and bright stove”.

The notice made it clear that all schools and kindergartens should strictly guard against risks in the operation and management of canteens, and strictly implement the operating specifications for food procurement, storage, processing, supply, distribution, and sample retention; prevent the risks of meal delivery by school meal distribution companies, and standardize the operation of school meal distribution process. 100% of the employees in the canteen must hold a health checkup certificate to go to work, and strictly implement the morning and afternoon checkup and symptom monitoring system. In principle, the canteens of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens are not allowed to produce and sell high-risk foods such as cold food, raw food, pastry, and string beans; they must strictly implement the food procurement certificate and ticket, purchase inspection and purchase record system, and prohibit the purchase and use of non-food products. Labels, no production date, no manufacturer, and food raw materials that have exceeded the shelf life; the use of imported cold chain foods must be operated by dedicated personnel and stored in special cabinets.

Before the start of school in spring and autumn, each school and kindergarten will organize self-examination, self-evaluation and self-improvement, comprehensively inspect the sanitation of the canteen back kitchen, cleaning up food in stock, operation of facilities and equipment, health of employees, inspection of raw material purchases, etc. All schools and kindergartens should do a good job in food safety daily control, weekly investigation, and monthly scheduling, and take food safety and nutrition and health as important contents of campus management. The market supervision, education, and health departments of all districts took the initiative to cooperate and link up, and carried out joint inspections and guidance on all schools, kindergarten canteens, and student meal distribution companies in the jurisdiction before and after the spring and autumn semesters, so as to achieve full coverage; combined with daily management and major events, important Nodes, regularly and irregularly organize special inspections.

■ relevant

It takes no more than two hours for student meals to be served from the cooker

The Market Supervision Bureau of Haidian District launched a special inspection this morning on the distribution companies of nutritional meals for students in the jurisdiction.Photo by our reporter Wang Haixin

News from our newspaper (Reporter Zhang Nan) The temperature of each pot of dishes needs to be measured and recorded. It takes no more than two hours for a nutritious meal to be eaten from the pot. For the food safety work of collective meal delivery on the campus, starting today, the Haidian District Market Supervision Bureau has launched a special inspection on the students’ nutritious meal delivery companies in the jurisdiction.

At 9:00 a.m., in Beijing Defuxiang Catering Management Co., Ltd. located in Sujiatuo, Haidian District, in a steaming cauldron, some are stewed with delicious chicken legs, and some are floating with fresh vegetables. The staff stacked the washed rapeseed, shiitake mushrooms and other clean vegetables neatly into baskets on the shelves. Even the eggs stored in the fresh-keeping warehouse must be cleaned before they can be stored in the warehouse.

Entering the inspection site, the law enforcement officers checked the implementation of the company’s food sample retention, certificate and ticket collection, and purchase inspection systems, and checked whether the health certificates of employees were true and valid, whether there were potential safety hazards in the cleaning and disinfection of tableware, and the management of the use of food additives. Whether it is standardized or not, key inspections have been carried out.

It is reported that the collective meal distribution unit has the characteristics of large production volume in a single shift and concentrated meal delivery time. It involves many links and a wide range of distribution. It directly faces teachers and students, and there are high food safety risks. In response to common problems in the inspection, the law enforcement officers reminded the collective meal delivery unit on the spot to strictly implement the health management system for employees. Employees with symptoms such as vomiting, fever, diarrhea, skin wounds or infections are not allowed to work with illnesses. “The collection and distribution unit should strengthen the safety control measures for the whole process from rough processing, thermal processing to catering cleaning and disinfection, process in strict accordance with the catering service operating specifications, and reasonably allocate the amount of meals according to the actual situation of different catering schools. On the basis of reducing the waste of finished products.” Said the law enforcement officer of Sujiatuo Town Market Supervision Office.

In addition, law enforcement officers also require the collection and distribution unit to measure the temperature of each pot of finished products and make records to ensure that the finished product does not exceed two hours from the time it is cooked to eating, and strictly enforces the requirements for meal sharing and delivery.

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