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Exitpoll Ipsos: VVD biggest party, D66 after big win second party

According to an exit poll by research agency Ipsos, commissioned by the NOS, the VVD remains the largest party with 35 seats, 2 more than in the previous parliamentary elections. D66 is the second party in the poll with 27 seats, a profit of eight seats. That is the best election result ever for the party; in 1994 the party took 24 seats.

The PVV, so far the largest opposition party, gets 17 seats according to the exit poll, a loss of 3 compared to four years ago. This is followed by the CDA, which would have to take a considerable loss and have 14 seats left (-5).

The PvdA will follow at a greater distance, which with 9 seats remains at the same level as after the enormous loss four years ago. GroenLinks and the SP also lose quite a bit, according to the poll. GroenLinks would gain eight seats, a loss of six seats. The SP also has eight seats, a loss of six seats.

According to the exit poll, Forum for Democracy wins five seats and comes in at 7. The Party for the Animals has 6 seats (+1) in the poll.

Four debutants according to exit poll

The pan-European party Volt stands out. Judging by the poll, the party comes to its debut with 4 seats in the House of Representatives. The ChristenUnie gets the same number, which would lose one seat.

The conservative JA21 is also new to the House, with 3 seats. SGP would keep its 3 seats. Think would lose a seat and end up with 2 seats. Other debutants, according to the exit poll, are Bij1 and the BoerBurgerBeweging, both with 1 seat. 50Plus will have one seat, three less than they have now.

A margin of error of two seats applies to the exit poll. The number of seats of a party can therefore be two higher or lower (see box). The exit poll is slightly less accurate than in previous elections due to postal voting and the fact that it was possible to vote on multiple days.

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