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‘Exhibition’ of bodies hanged by the Taliban makes more horror in Afghanistan


Afghanistan increasingly tense conditions after the Taliban began enforcing their hardline punishments. One of them is by imposing the death penalty on criminals.

Since August 15, the Taliban managed to control Kabul. Taliban He also stressed that he would continue to impose controversial punishments such as hanging himself and cutting his hands off.

Exhibition of Taliban Suspended Bodies

The city of Wonder, Afghanistan is in an uproar after the Taliban exhibits the bodies of the kidnappers. The four kidnappers were hanged and displayed in the town square.

“The Taliban managed to rescue a father and son who were abducted by four kidnappers after a shootout,” local district police chief Ziaulhaq Jalali said, as reported by the Associated Press, Sunday (26/9/2021).

Jalali added that a Taliban fighter and one civilian were injured. The four perpetrators died.

The Deputy Governor of Herat Province who was under the leadership Taliban, Mawlawi Shir Ahmad Muhajir, said Taliban security forces were notified of the kidnapping of a businessman and his son on Saturday (26/9). A shootout between the kidnappers and the Taliban is inevitable.

Police blocked the way out of the city and the Taliban stopped the men at a checkpoint, where a gunfight took place,” he said.

“As a result of several minutes of fighting, one of our Mujahideen was injured and the four kidnappers were killed,” Muhajir said in a recorded statement sent to AFP.

After the shootout, the bodies of the four perpetrators were exhibited in various public places on the same day as the killings to teach a “lesson” that kidnapping would not be tolerated.

In portraits on social media, bloodied corpses are seen hanging from a crane in the town square. Another video shows a man hanging from a crane in Herat with the inscription on his chest “Kidnappers will be punished like this”.

“We are the Islamic Empire. No one should hurt our nation. No one should kidnap,” he said in the video clip.

“To serve as a lesson to other kidnappers not to kidnap or harass anyone, we hang them in the town square and make it clear to everyone that anyone who steals or kidnaps or takes any action against will be punished.” he added.

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