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Exercises to train the arms with elastic bands at home

By now it is more than likely that you have acquired some elastic bands to train in your own home, so in this article we will see five exercises so you can train your arms almost as if you were in a gym.

Five exercises with rubber bands to train your arms in your living room

Seated row with rubber bands

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Although seated rowing is an exercise that will have a major impact on the muscles of our back (in particular, on the latissimus dorsi), we can also use it to develop our forearms and biceps.

We will only have to sit with our knees semi-flexed, we will pass the rubber or the band under our feet, and we will pull towards our hips, slightly maintaining the movement at the point of maximum stretch of the rubber.

Chest press with elastic bands

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The chest press is another multi-joint exercise, and that is that in addition to significantly influencing the triceps and shoulder, it will also involve the pecs in the movement.

To do this, we will pass the rubber behind our back in a way that increases the tension, and we will push forward with our arms imitating the movement of a bench press or conventional flexion.

Everything you need to know to train with elastic bands (at home or in the gym)

Concentrated curl with elastic bands

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The concentrated curl is an exercise that in itself already causes significant metabolic stress, but this effect increases if we use a band, since the point of maximum activation coincides with the point of greatest shortening, added to the highest rubber tension.

To do this we will have to support our arm (eye, not our elbow) on the inner side of the thigh while trying to prevent our back from arching, and from here we will only have to do a flexion of the elbow.

Overhead extensions with elastic bands

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Overhead extensions are also relatively straightforward to do, but require that shoulder mobility is not compromised.

To do them, hold one end of the band behind your back while holding the other end behind your neck or head and stretch up to work your triceps.

Training your back at home with elastic bands: five simple exercises you can't miss

Hammer curl with elastic bands

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Hammer curl is probably the simplest exercise to do on this list. You just have to step on the rubber and quickly flex your elbows to create tension in your biceps. Remember that the descent must be slow and controlled.

Do not underestimate this exercise for its simplicity since is capable of significantly involving the long supinator and forearm muscles.

In Vitonica | Strength training with elastic bands: seven exercises you can not leave out

In Vitonica | Training your back at home with elastic bands: five simple exercises you can’t miss

Image | iStock

Videos | 3v, DeskFitness, UnlimitedExercises, expertvillage, Fit Gent, on YouTube

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