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Exercises: Between health and addiction – Health and Wellbeing

Physical exercise is, perhaps, the healthiest activity that a human being can do. Is it possible that, in some way, it could harm us?

Today many people overexert their body without giving it its necessary rest. Although it may seem strange, even something so healthy can become dangerous if it is not done neatly and properly. Some athletes or athletes, both high-performance and amateur, who want to improve their physical capacity may fall into this problem. Maria Cristina Estrella, Research Professor at the Faculty of Education of the Maza University (Argentina) and coordinator of the Academic and Healthy Motricity Area at the National University of Cuyo, was studying the subject.

The objectives pursued when exercising have changed over time and, nowadays, this activity has become a tool to achieve personal well-being, social recognition, improve self-esteem and, also, be slimmer and present a better body image.

In this context, an addiction has been discovered that is characterized by contempt for one’s own body and the compulsive obsession to exercise to achieve any of the aforementioned objectives. This non-substance dependence has not yet been classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) edited by the American Psychiatric Association (APA)

This “addiction” to exercise is not a priority in men or women since they both want to look good and both enjoy the activity. Precisely, one of the most important elements is the pleasure that the subject experiences during the activity.

On the one hand, there is endorphin, also called the “happiness hormone” and on the other, when competition against oneself or with others is added, adrenaline appears, considered as a “performance and activation hormone”. This combination motivates us to go for more, without taking into account, for example, injuries or muscle or joint pain.

“It happens that the limit is very fine because there are many cases where the benefits of these practices are highlighted. For example: there are many people who, to improve their aerobic capacity and resist more kilometers, have stopped smoking or others who no longer need anxiolytics to sleep because they come from doing physical activity, take a bath and rest very well ”, explained the Lic. Estrella.

On the other hand, those who exercise have very good eating behavior, since they need it to achieve their goals. At that point care must be taken when the motivation is to be leaner or more muscular.

The tireless search to have the ideal body, the multiplication of classes, dedicating more and more time to these activities, putting aside friends and family for them, are some of the behaviors that highlight this problem.

The health improvements are undeniable, only that the problem manifests itself when the subject begins to hurt himself or his psychosocial behaviors are affected.

“We have to be aware and weigh the cost-benefit that physical activity produces. It is the training houses and the teachers who must take care of it. The issue is that teachers and trainers know how to accompany the subject to make her aware, focusing on her health and well-being “, closed the researcher.
Source: Argentina Investiga

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