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Exercise Rehabilitation + Exercise Breathing to Repel the New Crown-Instant News-Free Health Network


▲Exercise can help improve fatigue and cardiopulmonary function after recovery from infection. (Photo courtesy of Changhua Christian Hospital)

Text / Wang Weide

After many patients infected with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) fully recover, they will still be affected by some medium and long-term symptoms, which are called long-term new crowns; among the symptoms of long-term new crowns, for fatigue, cardiopulmonary system and musculoskeletal symptoms, rehabilitation The department can provide professional, diversified and effective treatment and assistance.

Many studies have confirmed that exercise can improve fatigue caused by disease. In addition to improving exercise capacity, muscle contraction during training can improve energy blockage and increase energy utilization; improve cardiopulmonary function, increase peripheral blood circulation, and accelerate blood oxygen exchange. Ability; increased blood flow to the brain, improves brain energy utilization, and promotes behavioral motivation.

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The new coronavirus may harm the heart, causing patients to experience symptoms such as chest pain, chest tightness, and palpitations.

According to the recommendations of the Taiwan Association of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and the Taiwan Association of Rehabilitation Medicine, aerobic exercise and strength training can reduce the decline in physical fitness and cardiopulmonary function of patients with COVID-19, and improve fatigue and heart-related symptoms.

30 minutes of cardio at least 5 days a week

Aerobic exercise: such as brisk walking, swimming, treadmill, bicycle, etc., can improve the metabolism of the heart, lungs, blood vessels and muscles, and improve exercise ability; it is recommended that patients can exercise at moderate intensity, 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week .

●Muscle strength training: that is, weight training, you can repeatedly load a single muscle (arm flexion to train biceps) or muscle group (stepping, bench press, leg kick) to increase muscle strength and increase muscle strength, which can improve muscle endurance . 2-3 days a week with at least 48 hours between each workout.

◎ For shortness of breath, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation intervention is recommended as follows:

●Relax breathing techniques and postures: Sleep on the side or prone in a high position, which can reduce cardiopulmonary compression and increase ventilation; in daily life, if symptoms of shortness of breath appear, you can lean forward in a sitting position and place a pillow on the table to support your head. It can relax the diaphragm and increase breathing efficiency.

●Breathing exercise: Use abdominal breathing and round lips to exhale, and the ratio of inhalation and exhalation is 1:2, which can reduce airway collapse and increase the efficiency of diaphragm contraction.

●Respiratory muscle training: For patients with long-term reduced activity and insufficient respiratory muscle endurance, the respiratory muscle training device can be used to improve respiratory efficiency and reduce pulmonary complications.

As for joint or muscle pain, drug treatment (such as analgesics and muscle relaxants) can generally be given, and rehabilitation physical therapy (such as hyperthermia, electrotherapy, low-energy laser, etc.) can be arranged, and local injection therapy can be given to specific parts ( Such as steroid injection, proliferative therapy injection), extracorporeal shock wave and high-energy laser, etc.

(The author is the attending physician of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Changhua Christian Hospital)

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