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Exercise guide for people with pulmonary hypertension

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Pediatric Cardiologist and Congenital Heart Disease Specialist at Harapan Kita Heart Hospital, Jakarta, dr. Radityo Prakoso, Sp.JP(K) said that people with pulmonary hypertension can still exercise but with light intensity.

The President-elect of the Association of Indonesian Cardiovascular Specialists (PERKI) in 2019 – 2022 said that strenuous exercise should be avoided by people with pulmonary hypertension. If needed, the patient can also ask for a recommendation from a cardiologist to find out what exercise is good to do.

“The problem with exercise has parameters. The parameters are at the cardiologist, there is a name that a weight training test is carried out, from there it will be calculated and prescribed which can be given to the doctor.” personal trainer or exercise recommendations,” said Dr. Radityo in a webinar discussion quoted on Friday.

If it is difficult to perform a weight training test, the patient can calculate his or her pulse. According to dr. The maximum pulse radityo is at 110 per minute.

“Essentially light activity, when it’s 110 we stop. Our body has an alarm when it’s tired, stop must rest. Don’t keep pushing it,” said dr. Radityo.

Also read: Recognize shortness of breath a sign of pulmonary hypertension

The purpose of exercise is to keep the patient’s body in shape. Because, not a few patients with pulmonary hypertension who have comorbid obesity.

Although there are no typical symptoms of pulmonary hypertension, snoring during sleep in obese people is one indication.

“The cause of obesity is related to pulmonary hypertension, related to obstructive pulmonary disease. If he sleeps he snores. What is good is not snoring. secondary pulmonary hypertension,“said Dr. Radityo.

Meanwhile, Pediatric Cardiologist at Adam Malik Hospital Medan, dr. Rizky Adriansyah, M.Ked (Ped), Sp.A(K) said that people with pulmonary hypertension are recommended to limit activities, especially heavy ones. Work that can cause stress also needs to be avoided.

“Not doing strenuous activities and even reducing heavy work that causes stress to prevent symptoms from getting worse,” said dr. Rizky.

For food alone, there is no special menu for people with pulmonary hypertension. Most importantly, the use of the drug should not stop throughout his life.

“There is nothing specific about eating, if in children the food is adjusted to the stage of his age. But usually only intervention can be done when he is a teenager and has to take medicine regularly,” he said.

Also read: Hypertension drug is effective against COVID-19 infection in mouse cells and lungs

Also read: Recognizing pulmonary hypertension in children

Also read: Exposure to cigarette smoke for only 30 minutes, lung function can be disrupted

Reporter: Maria Cicilia
Editor: Maria Rosari Dwi Putri

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