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Exercise and massage during pregnancy: A guide

Are you pregnant and wondering whether exercise and massage are suitable for you? Exercise during pregnancy can have a positive effect on your health and that of your baby. Regular exercise can help you stay fit, relieve discomfort and prepare for the birth. Massages can also help you relax and improve your well-being.

In this guide, you will learn more about the benefits of exercise during pregnancy and which types of exercise are particularly suitable. You will receive important safety tips for training and learn how massage can enrich your pregnancy as a complementary therapy. From swimming to Pilates to pelvic floor exercises – we will show you how to get through this special time in an active and relaxed way.

Benefits of exercise during pregnancy

Exercising during pregnancy can have a positive impact on your health and that of your baby. Regular exercise supports your body during this special time and can bring numerous benefits.

Improve fitness

Regular physical activity can help you maintain or even improve your fitness during pregnancy. This has a positive effect on your cardiovascular system and strengthens your muscles. Sports that use large muscle groups, such as walking, Nordic walking or cycling at a moderate pace, are particularly suitable. These activities will help you to improve your well-being and your stamina.

Relief from pregnancy symptoms

Exercise can alleviate or even prevent typical pregnancy symptoms. Regular exercise can reduce nausea, back pain and circulatory problems. Gentle movements and light muscle exercises can support your body and prevent problems such as varicose veins. Exercise can also help prevent you from gaining too much weight during pregnancy.

Preparing for birth

Physical activity during pregnancy can have a positive effect on the course of labor. One study showed that pregnant women who did moderate aerobic exercise three times a week for one hour each had a total labor time that was almost one hour shorter (450 vs. 507 minutes) compared to a control group that did not exercise regularly. Exercise trains the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles, which can make labor easier.

We particularly recommend exercises for the pelvic floor and back, which also prepare you for the birth. Special offers such as pregnancy yoga can also prepare you optimally for the birth of your child.

To benefit from these advantages, it is important that you are active at least three times a week for at least half an hour. You should not overexert yourself and rather focus on maintaining your fitness level rather than increasing it. In addition to those already mentioned, other suitable sports include swimming, aqua fitness, low-impact aerobics, gymnastics and Pilates.

Suitable sports for pregnant women

Swimming and water aerobics

Swimming and water aerobics are ideal sports for pregnant women. In the water you feel light and flexible, which is particularly pleasant in advanced pregnancy. The buoyancy of the water relieves your joints and reduces the risk of injury. Aqua fitness and swimming train your cardiovascular system and prepare you well for the birth.

You can practice all four swimming styles in the first two trimesters. However, from the 20th week of pregnancy, backstroke and butterfly strokes are no longer recommended. Experts recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise five days a week. Thanks to the chlorination, the swimming pool water is safe for you and your baby.

Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and Pilates are gentle but effective training methods for pregnant women. Both sports strengthen your muscles, improve your posture and promote mental relaxation. Pilates focuses particularly on strengthening the stomach, pelvic floor and back, which can prevent poor posture and back pain.

Both yoga and Pilates can be adapted to the needs of pregnant women. As the pregnancy progresses, it is advisable to attend a special course for pregnant women. Here, elements to prepare for birth are integrated and the exercises are suitable for pregnant women from the start.

Light strength training

Contrary to previous assumptions, moderate strength training is possible and even recommended during pregnancy. It helps you stay fit and prepare for the physical changes. It is important that you adjust the intensity and do not push yourself to your limits.

Suitable exercises include squats, lunges, knee push-ups, rowing and bicep curls. It is particularly important to strengthen your back muscles to stabilize the additional weight of your growing belly. From the second trimester onwards, you should avoid exercises that strain the straight abdominal muscles, such as sit-ups or planks.

Regardless of the sport you choose, it is important that you pay attention to how your body feels and, if in doubt, consult your midwife or gynecologist. Regular exercise during pregnancy can lower the risk of gestational diabetes, reduce water retention and have a positive effect on the course of the birth.

Safety guidelines for exercise during pregnancy

Consultation with doctors

Before you start any exercise program during pregnancy, it is important that you consult your doctor or midwife. They can tell you if there are any contraindications to your exercise. This is especially important if you have a high-risk pregnancy or certain medical conditions.

Adjusting the intensity

During pregnancy, it is important to adjust the intensity of your exercise. Experts recommend doing 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week. You should not push yourself to your physical limits, but take it easy. As a rule of thumb, you should still be able to carry on a conversation while exercising.

The recommended heart rate during exercise should be between 125 and 155 beats per minute, depending on your age and fitness level. If you don’t use a heart rate monitor, you can use the following rule of thumb: as long as you can carry on a normal conversation without getting out of breath, everything is fine.

Pay attention to your body’s warning signals

It is extremely important that you pay attention to your body’s signals while exercising. If symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, fatigue or pain occur, these are clear signs that your body needs rest. In such cases, you should put your feet up and rest.

Other warning signs that you should stop training immediately and seek medical advice if necessary are:

    1. Shortness of breath
    2. Headache
    3. Eye flickering
    4. Bleeding
    5. Abdominal pain
    6. Premature labor

    Also note that certain sports should be avoided during pregnancy. These include sports with a high risk of falls such as horse riding, skiing or climbing, as well as sports with shocks or fast stop-and-go movements such as fast running, trampolining or ball sports.

    By following these safety guidelines, you can enjoy the positive effects of exercise during pregnancy while protecting your health and that of your baby.

    Massage as a complementary therapy

    Benefits of pregnancy massages

    Massage can be a valuable complementary therapy during pregnancy. It offers numerous benefits for your physical and mental well-being. A professionally performed pregnancy massage can help relieve tension, stimulate your metabolism and brighten your mood. Many women* report improved sleep quality, less swelling in the hands and feet and a reduction in anxiety.

    A massage can be particularly helpful in relieving back and neck pain, which often occurs due to the changed posture during pregnancy. It can also stimulate the circulation and lymphatic system, which relieves pressure on the veins and reduces swelling in the extremities.

    Suitable massage techniques

    There are various massage techniques that are suitable for pregnant women:

      1. Pregnancy massage: This specially adapted form of massage focuses on relieving pregnancy-related discomforts.
      2. Swedish massage: Gentle, long stroking and kneading movements help to improve blood circulation and reduce tension.
      3. Lymphatic drainage: This gentle technique can be especially helpful for swollen legs and feet.
      4. Reflexzonenmassage: Focuses on specific pressure points on the feet, hands and ears, with certain points to avoid.


    Although massages can have many benefits during pregnancy, there are some precautions to keep in mind:

      1. Always consult your doctor or midwife before having a massage, especially if you have a high-risk pregnancy.
      2. Choose a well-trained massage therapist who is familiar with the specifics of pregnancy physiology.
      3. Avoid massage during the first trimester or use only very gentle techniques.
      4. Certain forms of massage such as deep tissue massage, shiatsu or Thai massage should be avoided.
      5. Be careful with essential oils as some can stimulate contractions.
      6. Pay attention to warning signs such as dizziness, nausea or pain and stop the massage if necessary.

    By following these precautions, you can safely enjoy the positive effects of a pregnancy massage and increase your well-being during this special time.

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