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Exercise and Drink? … The Reason I Get Burned – Comedy.com

Drinking alcohol after exercise is bad for the body. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]

After finishing aerobic exercise and strength training, a glass of cold beer immediately comes to mind. There are many people who rush to a party to drink right after a workout. How does drinking alcohol after exercise affect the body? Just like drinking alcohol and exercising puts strain on the body, drinking alcohol after exercise also has a negative effect on the body.

Post-workout alcohol negatively affects muscle recovery

After high-intensity aerobic exercise such as running, cycling, or Zumba, muscle damageThis happens. After a long period of aerobic exercise, the energy stored in the muscles runs out. In addition, a huge amount of body fluids are lost through sweat and the amount of blood, which plays an important role in the supply of oxygen to the muscles and organs of the body, also decreases. After an intense sport or exercise, the body needs recovery.

In this case appropriate nutritionclass hydrationthis should be done.However, drinking alcohol negatively affects recovery after exercise. Alcohol, the main component of alcohol, slows the recovery process of muscle damage caused by exercise by inhibiting the function of hormones that help the recovery process.

Post-workout alcohol is an obstacle to recovery from injury

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If you drink alcohol immediately after exercise, the alcohol dilates blood vessels and increases swelling in the injured area, making soft tissue injuries worse. It is not known exactly if alcohol prevents your muscles from storing energy, but if you drink a lot after a workout, you tend to eat less nutritious foods. This can delay the buildup of energy in the muscles. Alcohol is high in calories but low in nutrients, so it doesn’t help you lose weight at all.

Drinking after exercise can exacerbate dehydration.

Drink alcohol after exercise when you are dehydrated diureticThis results in the loss of more fluids. According to a related study, the alcohol content after exercise 4%It has been found that when drinking alcohol, the urine volume increases and the rate of blood volume recovery is delayed. Even if you are thirsty after exercise, drinking alcohol will only intensify your thirst. Drinking alcohol after exercise also has the disadvantage of preventing you from getting quality sleep.

Electrolyte replenishment drink after exercise

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after exercise carbohydrateclass protein, electrolyteit must be taken at the same time to speed up the recovery process. For example, drinking a sports drink and chocolate milk together can help restore muscle damage and dehydration. One way is to eat water and foods that contain these nutrients. However, drinking plenty of water alone does not help repair muscle damage, as there is no supply of electrolytes.

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