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Exercise and Diet: The Key to Healthy Weight Loss and Metabolism

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    When exercise and a balanced diet go hand in hand, it is the healthiest way to achieve your desired weight. But there are a few rules you should keep in mind.

    If you do a lot of exercise, you build muscles. As a result, the basal metabolic rate increases. This refers to the amount of energy that our body needs every day. You can find out how you can calculate your basal metabolic rate here. Muscles need more energy than fat cells. People with a lot of muscle can consume more calories per day without gaining weight than people with little muscle mass. This sounds logical and simple, but there are pitfalls. For example, people who exercise increase the risk of falling into compensatory eating behavior. After exercising, you feel the urge to compensate for the calories burned by eating more food. This can lead to those affected making little or no progress in weight loss despite physical activity.

    Exercise healthily and lose weight

    In order not to jeopardize your weight loss success, you should follow a few rules before, during and after training. These include:

    • Start your workout fasting to optimize fat burning. “If you exercise on an empty stomach, you increase the amount of fat you burn. The body then immediately takes on the fat deposits that are actually what losing weight is all about,” explains nutritionist Professor Karsten Köhler from the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences at the Technical University of Munich Spiegel-Interview. This tip applies to moderate recreational sports, not very intensive training.
    • A balanced breakfast after training promotes regeneration. In general, make sure not to consume too few calories per day. Otherwise, the risk of losing muscle mass increases.
    • Eating protein after training helps build muscle.
    • Combine endurance and strength training for maximum effects. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) particularly boosts fat metabolism. Use varied exercises to activate different muscle groups.
    • Adequate fluid intake is crucial, especially when exercising.

    Sport promotes a higher basal metabolic rate, which increases the chances of maintaining a stable normal weight in the long term. © Lane Oatey/Imago

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    • Please note that not only the duration of the training, but also the intensity is relevant. Adjust these to your training level. Be guided by your training pulse. You can use a rule of thumb to calculate it. The maximum exercise frequency can be estimated using the formula 220 minus age, as stated on the websites of the practice for cardiology and prevention by Thomas Gamm and Dr. Franziska Bruhn from Berlin is called. The training recommendation specifies a pulse range of 60 to 75 percent of the maximum heart rate (rule of thumb 180 minus age), it goes on to say.
    • An individually tailored training plan increases motivation and training success.
    • Reducing stress through sport has a positive effect on hormone balance, weight and mental health.
    • A targeted warm-up before training prevents injuries and increases performance.

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    2024-01-02 11:53:33
    #Losing #weight #successfully #sport #rules #lose #weight #healthily

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