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Exen is raging after the engagement

Earlier in June, it became known that Swedish action star Dolph Lundgren (62) had engaged to Norwegian Emma Krokdal (24). It revealed the couple on Instagram, where it emerged that Lundgren had gone down on his knees in Sweden.

The relationship became known in January this year, and then Krokdal himself confirmed the relationship in a comment to Se and Hør.

– We met at a gym where I work in West Hollywood. We have a lot in common and have a great time together, the 24-year-old said.

Peace to Norwegian Emma

The relationship has since received a lot of attention in the press, not least because of the age difference of the entire 38 years. The actress’s daughter, Ida Lundgren, 24, has previously stated that she supports her father’s choice of girlfriend.

However, it seems that the relationship has not fallen into good ground in everyone. The action star’s ex-girlfriend Jenny Sandersson has reportedly broken up in a post on Instagram, claiming that the 62-year-old has shown her “zero respect”.

Exen breeds

The post has subsequently been deleted, but it is reproduced by Expressen. Sandersson writes that she and Lundgren should have agreed to give the relationship another chance, but that the 62-year-old suddenly showed up with his Norwegian flame.

“Thanks for the warning and thank you for the exclusive interview. I am the one forced to look at this as I go shopping. I asked you not to, “Sandersson writes, according to the Swedish newspaper.

Apart from a short break, she and Dolph Lundgren were a couple for nearly ten years. They were also engaged, but last year they chose to separate teams, Expressen writes.

HARD: The movie star's ex-girlfriend, Jenny Sandersson, goes hard on Lundgren on Instagram.  Here are the pair together on red carpet in 2016. Photo: NTB Scanpix
HARD: The film’s ex-boyfriend, Jenny Sandersson, goes hard on Lundgren on Instagram. Here is the pair together on red carpet in 2016. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more

“I’m sorry for this record, but when you treat me with zero respect, I need to get rid of it. I don’t deserve this here, and you know that, “Lundgren’s ex-boyfriend writes further.

Sandersson has also commented on the case against Expressen, and she does not hide that it is sad that she and her ex-fiance are no longer on speaking terms.

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– I’m not bitter, but just sorry for losing such a close friend in my life. I needed to get out of the relationship to move on in life. He wanted to be where he was, and it crashed, she tells the newspaper.

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She also hopes that one day they will find each other again on a friendly level.

– I understand that he was hurt because I wanted out of the relationship. So his behavior is not so surprising. I’m just sorry we can’t be friends, she tells Expressen, explaining that ten years is not something you just forget.

Se and Hør have tried to get a comment from Emma Krokdal in connection with this case, but have so far not succeeded.

Breaking the Silence of Dad’s Fiance (24)

Met on training

As mentioned in January this year, the relationship between Dolph Lundgren and Norwegian Emma Krokdal became known. They met at a gym in West Hollywood, and across from Aftonbladet, Lundgren could tell that they had been a couple for five months already.

Earlier in June also came the pleasant news that the couple had engaged. On Instagram, the Swedish actress revealed that he had made peace with his Norwegian flame.

“Something very special has happened here in Sweden,” he wrote on Instagram, along with a photo of the 24-year-old showing off the ring.

– I don’t have to prove anything to anyone

See and Hear talked to Emma Krokdal earlier this year. At that time she could tell how the feedback on the relationship had been.

– Everything from family, friends and acquaintances has actually been incredibly nice. I was a little worried about it at first, so I was surprised at how many nice feedback we received. From strangers it has been a bit more negative, but also some supportive and positive greetings, something I appreciate, she said, adding:

– He is an incredibly caring and kind person, and so he is very comfortable to be with. It is not easy to find someone you match so well, so I think we both really appreciate having each other.

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