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” Exemplary ” or without a mask to the urn

Many adhered to the recommendation and wore mouth protection – in Hartberg, however, the requirement was put into perspective – manageable crowds in Upper Styrian polling stations.

Graz. Many Styrians in the municipal council elections in 285 municipalities followed the oral nose protection recommendation of the electoral authority in an exemplary manner on Sunday. Although there was no obligation to do so, voters wore protective masks and mostly brought their own pens. However, there were also some outliers: in front of some polling stations, the mask specification was put into perspective.

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In consistently splendid weather, voters on Sunday went to the poll in the Green Mark. In a community in the northern part of the Weiz district, a voter said that people “exemplary” followed the guidelines: “Everyone was wearing a face mask or face mask. The mayor even wore gloves,” she told APA. Compliance with the requirements had previously not been expected by many community citizens – the surprise of the election day is now all the more surprising.


The situation in a polling station in the Hartberg district of East Styria is completely different. There the voters were already told at the entrance: “You don’t need to put on a mask.” However, a mouth guard and disinfectant were available at the entrance, disposable pens were also available, according to a voter. The election assessors had taken a seat behind plexiglass panes and were wearing gloves. Upon request, it was said that the turnout was “as usual” until about 10:00 a.m.

It is impossible to say whether it is due to the summer temperatures and the wonderful weather for excursions – around 9:00 a.m. there was a manageable crowd in two polling stations in the Upper Styrian district of Liezen. “One comes, the other goes,” said one voter after casting her vote in a sprinkle in the west of the largest district in Austria. In another polling station in the east of the Liezen district, most of the voters, who appeared rather sparse in the morning, had put on face masks – and also brought ballpoint pens themselves.


In a polling station in a surrounding area south of Graz, the polling station was moved as a precaution from an inn open on Sunday to a container. The voters were only allowed to enter individually, all wearing masks, one voter described. They were asked to wear a nose mask and to disinfect their hands. Ballpoint pens and masks were on hand for removal. “Everything was well prepared,” said the APA voters.

Sandra Krautwaschl was the only politician in the country to vote for the Greens on Sunday. The other party leaders are either at home in Graz, and there was no election, or, like SPÖ party chairman Anton Lang, they had already given their vote by election card. Krautwaschl tweeted shortly before Sunday afternoon: “My vote is inside. Today, every single vote counts for climate protection and cohesion in your community. Please vote !!”

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