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Executive Order 18-2024: Congress reforms pension law to improve retirees’ quality of life

he is Congress of the Republic Approved agreement 18-2024 Tuesday night, which seeks to honor more than 109 thousand state employees.

With 129 votes in favor, the X Legislature reformed Ordinance 63-88, the Civil Victim Classes Law of the State, to improve the living conditions of retirees and pensioners in the public sector.

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Reformation after 36 years

The rules have not been changed in 36 years. With this fact, the Congress believed that it was urgent to establish a pension and retirement system according to the current situation of the country. The main goal is to strengthen coverage and guarantee a better quality of life for retired Guatemalans.

Fairer pensions for retirees

The highlight of the new rules is that pensioners will now receive a minimum monthly pension equal to the current minimum wage for non-agricultural workers, which is Q3,634.59. No pension shall exceed Q7,000. This measure aims to improve the quality of life of retirees, many of whom received pensions that were insufficient to cover their basic needs.

In addition, a periodic review of pension amounts was established every four years, according to article 114 of the Political Constitution. These reviews will be carried out in January of the corresponding year, with the participation of institutions such as the National Civil Service Office and the Ministry of Public Finance.

Gradual increase for retirees

Starting in 2025, all retirees will receive a Q1,000 raise. Those who, even with this increase, do not currently reach the minimum level of non-agricultural wages, their pensions will be adjusted to reach that amount. The authorities will make the necessary budget adjustments to comply with this requirement. In addition to this measure is what was approved in Ordinance 17-2024, which includes the budget expansion for this fiscal year.

Participation of the departments involved

The Labor Commission, chaired by Representative Sonia Gutiérrez and led by the President of Congress, Nery Ramos, organized public hearings with the departments involved. These meetings provided an opportunity to listen to concerns and suggestions, which were taken into account in the approved reforms.

Positive response of retirees to order 18-2024

With this action, the 10th Legislature confirmed its commitment to the different sectors of the Guatemalan population. Retirees and pensioners, inside and outside the Legislative Palace, celebrated the approval of the new law, which will come into force the day after its publication in the Official Gazette. [Tomado del Congreso de Guatemala]

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