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Executive calls to create block in America

After US sanctions against Nicaragua, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reiterated the call to create an economic bloc in America “without medieval blockade measures.”

“Achieve the same, but including all the countries of the American continent, something similar to the European Union. Share natural sources of work close to our countries and many possibilities to strengthen our internal market.

“All this must be accompanied by a new policy throughout America, no interventionism or those medieval measures of punishment or blockades of peoples who do not submit to hegemony, we must reach an agreement and respect, complement and strengthen America against the advance from other regions of the world,” he commented in a video message.

The Head of the Federal Executive took the opportunity to recognize the Secretary of Foreign Relations, Marcelo Ebrard, and collaborators who work and help to maintain a foreign policy characterized by respect, friendship and dignity of Mexico. In addition to honoring the recommendation of the self-determination of peoples and the peaceful resolution of disputes.

Within the framework of the 33rd Meeting of Ambassadors and Consuls from the National Palace, he asked to protect countrymen against mistreatment and discrimination, since there are millions who live abroad and especially in the US, where around 38 million live and work.

“We have to support them, it is worth saying and recognizing that in this moment of pandemic, migrants have helped us a lot,” he asserted.

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