At the end of the first quarter of 2024, the Specialized Investment Monitoring Team (EESI) of the MEF made progress that will contribute, at the end of 2024, to the execution of more than US$ 1.4 billion of investments in mining and more US$ 1,700 million in infrastructure.
The Executive Branch published Emergency Decree No. 006-2024 that establishes extraordinary measures in economic and financial matters aimed at ensuring fiscal sustainability, budget balance and the efficiency of public spending during Fiscal Year 2024, without affecting the provision of public services or the fiscal rules planned for this year.
These regulations are the beginning of the path to regain the efficiency of public spending in Peru, generating savings to improve fiscal results (reduce the fiscal deficit) and redirect those resources to finance other spending priorities.
Among these measures are:
Budget modifications and forecasts
The Executive establishes measures that, among others, allow resources to be redirected to ensure the provision of public services that during the past year have been attended by personnel who carried out work as “locators” but who this year do not have the necessary amounts to your hiring. With this objective, entities must prioritize their expenses and with these savings ensure hiring, giving priority to those activities linked to health, education, and security services, among the main ones.
Likewise, it empowers public sector entities to prioritize their investment portfolio using their uncommitted balances to cover projects in execution that require greater resources, incorporate new projects, as well as to develop new investment files.
Also, restrictions on budget programs are released so that the projected balances are redirected to other actions or projects that require financing as a priority. In addition, regional and local governments are authorized to use FONCOR and FONCOMUN resources to purchase machinery.
Regarding the budget forecast for investments financed within the framework of agreements between the specifications of the National Government and regional and local governments, the latter two may grant budget forecasts to ensure their multi-year programming. These forecasts correspond to the projects that are part of the Reconstruction with Changes plan and the projects that were included in the Congress of the Republic during the debate on the 2024 Budget Law.
Likewise, it is proposed to authorize the Ministries and the entities that belong to the respective sector so that, in order to finance the implementation of public policies during the year 2024, they can make budget modifications at the institutional level, charged to budget resources. institutional of said entities, by the source of financing from Ordinary Resources and without demanding additional resources from the Public Treasury.
Public spending efficiency
The Emergency Decree also establishes measures to limit non-critical expenses and promote the efficient use of resources of State entities and companies. In this way, it is established that the expense accrued for Fiscal Year 2024 cannot exceed the amount accrued in 2023, for any source of financing in the National Government entities included in the Emergency Decree.
In the case of Petroperú, Fonafe and the companies under their scope, austerity, discipline and quality measures are approved in public spending and personnel income, complementary to those already provided for in Supreme Decree No. 288-2023-EF.
In addition, entities of the National Government, regional and local governments, Petroperú, Fonafe and the companies under their scope are prohibited from acquiring motor vehicles, with the exception of vehicles intended for citizen security, health services, cleaning and disaster risk management. And, a regulation is established on the use of mobile units, establishing provisions for senior officials, as well as the exclusive use for the fulfillment of activities linked to production processes.
On the other hand, SEDAPAL is authorized to use the balances of the transfers made to said company for the execution of investments, up to the sum of S/ 80 million, to guarantee the continuity of the provision of drinking water services, to through the free distribution of drinking water through tanker trucks to the population of their responsibility who do not have access to drinking water service and who are in conditions of poverty and extreme poverty
Another important measure is to improve the monitoring and validation of the agreements reached in the collective negotiations of the State entities, for which it is proposed to review the budget viability reports issued by the National Government specifications (a first stage), and to provide that the clauses of the next negotiations at the decentralized level only contain working conditions.
Financing of investments in municipalities with populations with the highest poverty rate
The rule also benefits local governments, from the poorest quintile of municipalities in the country, authorizing a Transfer of Items charged to the Contingency Reserve, up to the sum of approximately S/ 55 million, to ensure the execution of their investments.
The rule also allows the Public Treasury to advance canon resources mainly to the municipalities of the regions of Apurímac, Ayacucho, Huánuco, among others that during the month of January 2024 did not receive resources due to limitations of Legislative Decree 1441, Law of the Treasury System .
Likewise, it provides for extending the term of financial transfers authorized in Art. 15 of the 2024 Budget Law, for those local governments that were unable to obtain resources for the continuity of their committed and unearned investments during the last year.
In the Education sector, the measure contemplates that the Ministry of Education can attend to the progress of work of the schools financed from the “Fund for the financing of investments in execution associated with Government-to-Government contracts.”
When a delay was detected in local governments to present their resource transfer files to ensure the continuity of their projects in execution for the year 2023, it was considered advisable to extend the deadline by 15 business days so that local governments that, due to various circumstances, did not present their fund requirements for the continuity of investments in their projects for the year 2023 can be done up to 15 business days after the approval of this standard.
On the other hand, financing is given to CUI No. 2195373 “Improvement and Expansion of the provision of Sports Services in the Cuna de La Libertad Americana stadium of the Venezuela Sports Complex, district of Ayacucho, Huamanga – Ayacucho”, which will ensure compliance of obligations derived from the development of the XXI Bolivarian Games 2025 Ayacucho – Lima.
It is important to indicate that one of the country’s main macroeconomic strengths is fiscal sustainability, which seeks to ensure through compliance with fiscal rules. Likewise, the country’s fiscal sustainability is an essential element to generate confidence, and promote economic growth and the well-being of citizens.
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– 2024-04-26 03:22:49