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Executing a public death sentence in Iran exposes its justice system

Amnesty International has considered this Public execution of a young man in IranOn Monday, he exposed his judicial system, which he called an instrument of “repression” and retaliation against protesters who participated in the country’s recent protests.

The organization said in a statement that it urges the international community to take all necessary measures to pressure the Iranian authorities to stop the executions and abolish this punishment.

The statement called on all states to exercise universal jurisdiction over all officials suspected of criminal liability for crimes under international law and other “grave violations” of human rights.

From the trial of Majid Reza Rahnward

On Monday morning, government news agencies in Iran announced the public execution of Majid Reza Rahnavard, accusing him of killing two Basij members, Daniel Rezazadeh and Hossein Zaynalzadeh, in the city of Mashhad in northeastern Iran.

In recent days, reports close to the authorities have circulated a video entitled “The moment of martyrdom of Hossein Zainalzadeh and Daniel Rezazadeh” on social media. A fight and fistfight between multiple people appears in the posted video, and the image of none of the people in the video is unclear. However, the court sentenced Majid Reza Rahnavard to death, citing this video and his confessions, in which it is not known under what circumstances they were extorted from him, accusing him of “haraba” because he drew a bladed weapon (i.e. a knife) with the intention of killing.

on the public

And the news agency “Mizan” affiliated to the judiciary writes: “After the judicial process was completed, the court issued the final sentence on the basis of the express confession of the accused and the documents of the case.

The verdict was issued after being reviewed by the judges of the Supreme Court of Iran, the same body that ratified the death sentence handed down to Mohsen Shakari, although he did not kill anyone, but rather closed the road and extracted a bladed weapon and wounded a member of the Basij.

The Iranian judiciary announced that the death sentence was carried out against Majid Reza Rahnavard after “passing all legal and legitimate procedures”, and was carried out in public on Monday morning, in the presence of a group of residents of the city of Mashhad, the capital of Razavi Khorasan province.

According to media close to the government, Majid Reza Rahnavard clashed with security forces on November 17 at Al-Hur Al-Amili Street and stabbed both Hossein Zainalzadeh and Daniel Rezazadeh with a knife in the neck and shoulder, killing both of them.

Interestingly, Majid Reza Rahnward is the second person to be hanged on charges of “haraba” during the protests that swept across Iran, and before him the death sentence against Mohsen Shakari was carried out.

Mohsen Shekari was the first victim of these executions, as he was charged with “haraba” and was executed for blocking the road and injuring a Basij member. Mohsen Shekari’s execution drew international condemnation.

In protest against the death sentences handed down by the Iranian authorities against protesters, the Iranian community in Berlin held a vigil and raised banners and slogans denouncing the regime’s repression of protesters.

It has been reported that since the killing of Mahsa Amini on September 16, 2022, 3 days after his arrest by the morality police, protests have spread across Iran.

Her death has since ignited anger on several issues, including the restrictions placed on personal freedoms and strict rules on women’s clothing, as well as the economic and housing crisis Iranians suffer from, not to mention the strict laws imposed by the regime and its political and religious composition in general.

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