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Excursion ships: high corona requirements – few passengers | NDR.de – News – Schleswig-Holstein

Status: 05/27/2021 5:00 a.m.

Since the Whitsun weekend, after a long Corona break, the excursion boats have been back in Schleswig-Holstein. However, the providers could not detect a large rush of passengers.

The strict corona requirements are causing problems for shipping companies in the country. “Sorry! We can’t take you with us.” Many guests are currently hearing this sentence. Because those who have not been vaccinated, recovered or tested are not allowed on board according to state regulations.

“Process more fuel money than anything else”

The canal trip in Friedrichstadt (North Friesland district) only reports five to ten guests per tour. On the Wakenitz trip in Lübeck there are only six passengers a day, says boss Melanie Quandt: “We can’t make ends meet with that. We spend more fuel money than anything else. Actually, we work over the summer to over-work the winter. We couldn’t do that last year because of Corona and this year the conditions are even tougher. “

AUDIO: Only a few passengers on excursion boats (1 min)

Operator: “Requirements must be relaxed”

It is also said of the Eutin lake tour (Ostholstein district): “We cannot survive the season like this”. Although there is a bit more going on on the 5-lake trip in Malente, boss Hinnerk Frahm also makes losses. He hopes that the country will quickly relax the corona rules for ships and that bus trips will soon be allowed again – because such group trips are the main business for all excursion ships.

Current rule according to the Corona Control Ordinance

Excursion shipping is permitted again subject to certain conditions. That means: the operator has to create a hygiene concept. Visitors must provide their contact details and wear a mouth and nose cover inside closed rooms. Because the participants are allowed to be inside as well as outside on the excursion boats, proof of a negative test is required in particular, but not for children under 6 years of age.

additional Information

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NDR 1 Welle Nord | News for Schleswig-Holstein | 05/27/2021 | 8:00 a.m.

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