Episode 116 of the Turkish series, Osman, revolves around the life of the invader, Osman, who founded the Ottoman Empire. It tells of the struggles that the state waged during the period when Uthman established the state, as he moved dramatically from poverty and loss to wealth and fortune. Osman faced many conflicts with the Crusaders, Tatars and Romans. And the Mongols, in addition to the problems he had with his uncle.
Othman wants the part that is broadcast in the current period to build the Ottoman Empire and victory over the Byzantines and the Mongols, and he started several battles with them and ended with the victory of Othman, given that Othman inherited from his father, who is called Artgrel, with strength, toughness and wisdom, so he assumed power after him, and Othman is considered the middle son of Artgrel who took over power after his father’s death.
The date of episode 116, the resurrection series of the founder, Othman
Episode 117 of the series will be shown next Wednesday in Turkey, and the episode will be translated into Arabic on Thursday on the Algerian Al-Fajr channel.