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Exclusive Preview: Verissimo’s Double Date with Special Guests – Saturday 30 & Sunday 31 March 2024

Let’s discover together the previews and guests of the new double appointment with Verissimo, broadcast on Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 March 2024 at 4.30 pm on Canale 5.

Return the double date with Verissimothe talk show hosted by Silvia Toffani are Channel 5. Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 March 2024 with an exciting double date, the presenter will interview some important guests ready to bare themselves, amidst laughter, moments of nostalgia and emotion. They will be there, directly from the house of Big Brotherall the Finalists of the edition that crowned the winner Perla VatieroThen Veronica Gentili and, from the evening of Amici, Ayle e Fist.

Verissimo Previews and Guests, Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 March 2024

In the episode of Verissimo, on air Saturday 30 March 2024, Silvia Toffanin meets Veronica Gentili there guide of Le Iene on Italia1. Then there is room for the joy of Rosalinda Cannavò and Andrea Zenga, a very much in love couple born in the Big Brother VIP house, and now expecting their first child. In the Rector studio and the path of the first eliminated from evening of Friends, Ayle e Fist. Finally, first couple interview for Martin Castrogiovanni with his wife Daniela and for Maria Espositoprotagonist of the fiction Mare Fuori and now in bookstores with “A light in the alleys”.

In the episode of very truein onda Sunday 30 March 2024Silvia Toffanin meets i Finalists of the Big Brother. After 197 days spent in the House, there will be the winner of this edition Perla Vatiero but handmaid second place Beatrice Luzzi and then, Rosy Chin, Massimiliano Varrese, Simona Cuts, Greta Rossetti, Letizia Petris e Sergio D’Ottavi. And then, in the special, space for friendships, emotions and love stories between the contestants, such as the one full of twists and turns between Perla and Mirko Brunetti. Finally, among the protagonists of this edition, Paolo Masella and Giuseppe Garibaldi will also return to Verissimo.

Let’s discover together the latest news on very true.

2024-03-30 11:31:00

#Verissimo #Previews #Big #Brother #Finalists #guests #studio

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