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Exclusive interview with the emperor actor who became famous during the anti-communist campaign in San Francisco – The Epoch Times

On November 16, 2023, anti-CCP protesters clashed with pro-China protesters near the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in San Francisco. In the picture, the person wearing the dragon robe of an ancient Chinese emperor and a crown on his head is Wang Zhongwei, a pro-democracy activist. (Jason Henry/AFP via Getty Images)

[The Epoch Times, November 18, 2023](Epoch Times reporters Ning Haizhong and Yi Ru interviewed and reported) During the U.S.-China Summit, an anti-communist wave started in San Francisco, with protest groups shouting slogans such as “Down with the Communist Party” and “Down with Xi Jinping.” Thugs hired by the Chinese Communist Party tried to disrupt the protests and injured many protesters, who also fought back. Among them, pro-democracy activist Wang Zhongwei, who was wearing the dragon robe of an ancient Chinese emperor and a crown on his head, stepped forward to fight back after his brother Wang Wei and others were beaten by pro-communist groups. The video of Wang Zhongwei angrily beating Lao Pink became popular on the Internet, and he was called the “Kung Fu Emperor”.

Brothers are united, “Kung Fu Emperor” fights communism and becomes famous

On November 18, Wang Wei and Wang Zhongwei told The Epoch Times about the situation at that time:

On the morning of November 15, a fierce physical conflict broke out between pro-communist and anti-communist people near the “St. Regis Hotel in San Francisco” rented by the leader of the Communist Party of China. First, Wang Wei, a volunteer in the rights movement, was besieged by a group of people.

As can be seen from the video posted on Wang Wei said that he told a group of people, “Whoever takes money from the Communist Party will have no descendants.” After hearing this, a woman rushed up to beat him first, followed by several people who surrounded him and knocked him to the ground. Their accents were from Fujian.

After Wang Wei was beaten for a while, two white women came to stop him. Wang Wei was able to escape, but there was blood on his face, ears, neck and scalp.

On November 15, 2023, Wang Wei had blood stains on his face after being surrounded by a group of people outside the St. Regis Hotel. (Provided by Chen Chuangchuang)

Later, Wang Zhongwei, the director of the New Media Department of China Democracy Party in Los Angeles, who played the role of “Chinese Emperor”, learned that protesters, including his brother Wang Wei, were beaten, and called on the protesters to fight back.

Wang Zhongwei was wearing the dragon robe of an ancient Chinese emperor, a crown on his head, “Free China” on his front, and a white armband from the “Xi Jinping Funeral Committee” on his arm, which was particularly eye-catching.

The video showed that the “Emperor” was fighting with the pinks. He was punching and kicking, grabbing the old pink’s head with one hand, and punching the old pink with the other hand. Some people nearby were involved in the beating, and some were starting a fight. There are other little pinks who are trying to take advantage of the opportunity to counterattack with the CCP’s blood flag.

This video quickly became popular on the Internet. Netizens said: “The emperor is wise!” “This is performance art, the emperor beats the dog slaves”, “I support the emperor this time!” “Now Pinky finally tastes the iron fist!”

Wang Zhongwei told the Epoch Times reporter that he did not expect this video to be so popular. It was completely unexpected.

“We came here to protest peacefully, but when we were beaten like this, you said that anger would definitely come up. Since they beat us, we were not afraid. I didn’t show any mercy. I just went up and started fighting with him. Well, because I happened to be wearing the emperor’s clothes at the time, the video was filmed and posted online.”

Wang Wei said, “We can only say that it was self-defense and we fought back a little bit. But because my brother was wearing a dragon robe, he was more conspicuous.”

Why come to protest against the CCP?

In March of this year, Wang Wei and Wang Zhongwei’s family of six came to the United States via online. When Wang Zhongwei was in Mainland China, he was a small business owner and an Internet celebrity who promoted goods through live broadcasts.

Regarding participating in the protest this time, Wang Wei said that the main reason is that China has been under lockdown for three years and so many people have died. The Chinese people have been tortured so miserably by the Communist Party. Everyone who speaks out in China has been suppressed by the Communist Party.

“There is not even a voice of opposition in China, not a single person stands up. This is not okay,” he said. “Not everyone in China is so cowardly.”

Wang Zhongwei said that the idea of ​​the China Democratic Party is to overthrow the rule of the Chinese Communist Party in mainland China, establish a new government, and establish a society where the Chinese people can enjoy freedom and democracy. This time the leader of the Chinese Communist Party comes to San Francisco, it is a very good opportunity to protest.

He explained that he was wearing the emperor’s clothes to mock the leader of the Communist Party of China who had become China’s “Emperor” a few years ago by amending the constitution to a life-long system. So he directly wore the emperor’s clothes, allowing people and the media all over the world to see the very extreme dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party.

Rampantly hiring people to commit murders in the United States, the CCP is about to perish

From this incident, we can also see the warmth and coldness of the world. Since the “Kung Fu Emperor” video became popular, Wang Zhongwei was going to go back to work, but his boss informed him through his colleagues that he didn’t need to come and would rest at home for a while.

“I can also understand them. Everyone has their own survival dilemma. Other colleagues will worry that their income will be affected, the store’s business will be affected, and so on.”

Many people sent compliments to Wang Zhongwei, while others also sent abusive private messages.

“But it can be regarded as a boost for me,” Wang Zhongwei said. In the past, even if he held any position or knew something, he usually didn’t say anything, didn’t care, and didn’t participate. “Now I think we must be clear. No matter who you are, you have to have your own political stance, whether you are active or forced, then I choose to take the initiative now.”

Wang Zhongwei said that this incident is very meaningful because many colleagues were injured at the scene by black hands hired by the CCP during previous pro-democracy activities. “Our counterattack this time is almost the entire process of the pro-democracy movement. It is the first counterattack event that has received such high exposure and attention in recent years. This has also inspired other colleagues to dare to fight back on the road of protest.”

“Don’t be intimidated by forces like the CCP. Its stuff works in China, but it doesn’t work here.”

Regarding the CCP’s rampant hiring of people to commit crimes in the United States, Wang Zhongwei believes that this actually shows that the CCP is almost exhausted. “It is now a very rampant character, which I think means that the CCP is getting closer and closer to its demise.”

He said that the CCP no longer cares about its impact on the international community and only wants to whitewash a trip to San Francisco to make the party leader look respectable. “They can only care about this and nothing else. The international community has condemned it so much. In the past, they were worried about the image of a big country and would worry about diplomatic etiquette and so on. But now they can’t care about it at all. They are furious. The CCP It will perish quickly.”

There is a video showing that Wang Zhongwei, dressed as the “Emperor” of China, and his companions tore down all the bloody flags hung by the CCP on the roadside fence.

Wang Zhongwei also mentioned that the so-called welcoming crowd this time could not distinguish between the CCP and China. They live in a world of simplified Chinese. Although they have lived in the United States for many years, they still do not understand that the CCP does not represent the China they imagined.

Of course, there is a larger portion of people who actually support only money. Wang Zhongwei said, “Including those people who beat Wang Wei before, we can also see that they are some vested interest groups. What they support is not Xi Jinping or the Communist Party, but the power behind it, and this power The benefits and money it can bring them.”

Editor in charge: Sun Yun#

#Exclusive #interview #emperor #actor #famous #anticommunist #campaign #San #Francisco #Epoch #Times
2023-11-18 12:35:46

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