Home » today » Entertainment » EXCLUSIVE. Betty (ex-‘Big Brother’) responds to buddy more for the first time in an interview: “Foert, I think I’m pretty” | BV

EXCLUSIVE. Betty (ex-‘Big Brother’) responds to buddy more for the first time in an interview: “Foert, I think I’m pretty” | BV

BVSince she started a TikTok account, Betty Owczarek (46) – the sexy romper from the first series of ‘Big Brother’ – is back in the picture and how? Dancing in her bikini on the beach of Juan-les-Pins, showing off her curvier. Three numbers are now on the scale and that provokes a lot of reactions on social media. Senne was able to snare Betty for her first interview in years and that during her holiday in the South of France. “I was so tired of losing weight. Suddenly something exploded inside me and decided: foert, I am beautiful,” she tells exclusively to Showbits.


5 aug. 2022

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