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The organizing committee of the “She Can” events decided to exclude the retired star Basma Bousil, and not to honor her or give her the opportunity to present her experience in the field of business management, because of her solidarity with the artist Saad Lamjarred, who was officially convicted of the crime of beating and raping a female, which is contrary to the principles of the forum, according to the statement announcing her exclusion.
The statement, published on the conference’s Instagram account, confirmed the cancellation of Bousil’s hosting, because the conference is far from anyone who incites and encourages violence against women, and said that the women’s support organization will host only those who respect women.
Bousil responded via the “Al-Asturi” feature, confirming that she was the one who withdrew from the conference and said: “My withdrawal was because I am not honored to be part of a program that does not respect human rights because it respects women’s rights.”
And she issued a lengthy explanation about the reasons for her support for Saad Lamjarred, saying: “Good evening, in response to the misunderstanding that occurred because of my last story. I am definitely against any harassment or rape for any reason, whatever the circumstances, and I do not accept my daughters or myself as such.”
And she added: “I was talking about one story, and one of them herself admitted that she came out with him alone, so this is supposed to be something that contradicts our customs and traditions.
And she continued: “For the male, I encourage girls and all women, but with fairness. You can, for sure. You can stay more professional and take part in the events of the case more, not just following the trend so that you can appear.
It is noteworthy that the preparatory committee for the “She Can” forum invited Basma Bousil and a number of art stars and celebrities, to participate in open lectures within the activities of the ninth session, which is scheduled to open on the fourth of next March, in the Greek campus of the American University in the downtown area (Egypt). In the presence of public figures and great artists, many of whom will be honored in this edition.