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EXCLUDED. Samuel L. Jackson: his private life turned upside down by Alzheimer’s disease

Recently seen on the series The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey, the huge actor Samuel L. Jackson spoke to Closer about a complicated intimate subject that has a huge impact on his private life.

We no longer present him, Samuel Lee Jackson, or Samuel L. Jackson, is one of the biggest stars of hollywood cinema. But he doesn’t just star in Quentin Tarantino films and MCU blockbusters, since more recently series fans have been able to see him in The last days of Ptolemy Grey (Les derniers jours de Ptolemy Grey) available since March 11 on AppleTV+. On the occasion of the end of the broadcast of this miniseries adapted from the eponymous novel by Walter Mosley, Closer was able to interview this legend of cinema to talk about his role, but also parallels he was able to make with his life. In the series, he plays Ptolemy Grey, a 91-year-old man with dementia who temporarily regains his senses and takes the opportunity to investigate the death of his nephew.

Dementia and other degenerative diseases are a sensitive subject for Samuel L. Jackson, whose several family members are affected by Alzheimer’s. This is in particular why the character of Ptolemy Gray was so important to him. “He is a character who touched me a lot and who revolved a lot around my private life” he explains to Closer, before specifying: “I have many family members who have Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately, this is something that I know quite well. It’s very sad when your mother or your aunt suffers from this terrible disease, because you feel totally helpless”. The actor’s pain is evident in his words, and he admits that it affected him a lot.

Samuel L. Jackson honors the sick

Alzheimer’s disease therefore had a very significant impact on my private life. I can assure you that there is nothing worse than witnessing the physical and mental deterioration of those who are dearest to you.”. If his role in the AppleTV + series has therefore brought back painful memories to Samuel L. Jackson, however, he feels that it was important to talk about a subject that is close to his heart and that affects him personally. “I felt like a kind of luck this opportunity to tell and show what these patients can endure. It is also a way for me to pay tribute to them. There is nothing more beautiful for an actor than to be able to convey a message” he concludes.

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Samuel L. Jackson
He recently starred in a series

© Backgrid USA

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Samuel L. Jackson
The series is called “The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey”.

© Backgrid USA

4/12 –

Samuel L. Jackson
He plays a man with dementia

© Agence

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Samuel L. Jackson
Samuel L. Jackson explained that this role touched him

© Backgrid UK

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Samuel L. Jackson
Many people in his family have Alzheimer’s disease.

© Backgrid UK

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Samuel L. Jackson
It had a big impact on his private life.

© Agence

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Samuel L. Jackson
He found it important to show this on screen

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Samuel L. Jackson
For him there is nothing more beautiful than an actor who sends a message

© Agence

10/12 –

Samuel L. Jackson
He takes great care of his physical and mental health

© Backgrid USA

11/12 –

Samuel L. Jackson
He makes his memory work

© Zuma Press

12/12 –

Samuel L. Jackson
The series is streaming on AppleTV+

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