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Exchange rates on August 21 at 7. The zloty is depreciating against major currencies[kurs dolara, funta, euro, franka]

On Thursday, August 20, the National Bank of Poland released averages courses walu. The next updated table will be published today, August 21, 2020 on the website NBP between 11:45 and 12:15.

NBP average exchange rates – Thursday, August 20, 2020 [kurs dolara, funta, euro, franka]:

  • Euro exchange rate: PLN 4.3991
  • course dollars: PLN 3.7164
  • Swiss franc exchange rate: PLN 4.0734
  • pound sterling rate: PLN 4.8714

Live exchange rates – Friday August 21, 2020 [kurs dolara, funta, euro, franka]:

Compared to the last table of the National Bank of Poland, our domestic currency lost the most in relation to the US dollar. The difference between USD and PLN was 1.18%. in favor of the US currency. The zloty also lost 0.29 percent. in terms of z euro, and 0.07 percent. against the franc and 0.13 percent. down pound British. However, it is worth remembering that despite the temporary rebound dollars, the downward trend continues in the USD / PLN ratio.

Macroeconomic calendar. What can affect exchange rates?

Below we present the macroeconomic events calendar for Friday, August 21, 2020, prepared by Macronext analysts.

  • 9:30 am: Germany – Manufacturing PMI, introductory August (consensus: 52.5; previously: 51)
  • 9:30 am: Germany – Services PMI index, pre- August (consensus: 55.1; previously: 55.6)
  • 10:00: Poland – Construction and assembly production, July
  • 10:00: Poland – Retail sales constant prices (y / y), July (consensus: 1%; previously: -1.3%)
  • 10:00: Eurozone – Manufacturing PMI, pre-release August (consensus: 52.9; previously: 51.8)
  • 10:00: Eurozone – Services PMI, pre-release August (consensus: 54.5; previously: 54.7)
  • 15:45: USA – Manufacturing PMI index, introductory August (consensus: 51.9; previously: 50.9)
  • 15:45: USA – PMI index for services, pre-release August (consensus: 51; previously: 50)

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