Home » today » Business » Exchange rate: Price of the dollar falls at the close of this today, December 11 | Dollar price for buying and selling

Exchange rate: Price of the dollar falls at the close of this today, December 11 | Dollar price for buying and selling

Today Friday December 10, the dollar closed the day with a price of S / 3,593, at the interbank level, according to the Central Reserve Bank (BCR).

According to Bloomberg, today the exchange rate once again registered a minimal fall of 0.05% in the Peruvian market.

This slight setback was due to the fact that this session showed less optimism about the stimulus plan in the United States and the growing cases of contagion of coronavirus, as reported by Reuters.

How much does it cost you?

In the banks the green ticket they quote the purchase of the dollar at an average of S / 3.54, and sell it at an approximate of S / 3.649, according to information on the website quéestaeldolar.pe.

While the Money changers buy the greenback at an approximate price of S / 3,585 and sell it for about S / 3.61.

On the other hand, the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS) indicates that the purchase price is S / 3,598 and the sale S / 3,603.

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