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Excessive Consumption of Vitamins C and D is Dangerous for the Kidneys, This is the Doctor’s Explanation

In times of a pandemic like now, maintaining body immunity is a common thing that many people do. Various ways are done, ranging from regular exercise, not eating just anything, to diligently consuming vitamins C and D. Photo/illustration/nutra

JAKARTA – During a pandemic like now, maintaining the body’s immunity is a common thing that many people do. Various ways are done, ranging from regular exercise, not eating anything, to diligent consumption vitamin C and D.

However, there are new risks lurking from this new activity. Yes, excessive consumption of vitamins C and D has a high risk of causing kidney disease. The heart’s intention to be healthy, even invites new health problems.

Therefore, Consultant Internal Medicine Specialist for Kidney Hypertension, Dr. Aida Lydia, SpPD-KGH, advised people not to over-consume vitamins C and D during the current Covid-19 pandemic.

“Remember, anything in excess is not good, including the consumption of vitamins C and D, which are currently chosen by many people to increase body immunity,” said Dr. Aida in the World Kidney Day webinar, Wednesday (9/3/2022).

Also Read: Functions of Vitamin D, Can It Really Increase Immunity?

Doctor Aida emphasized that the consumption of vitamins C and D in the current pandemic era can once be made into a routine. However, the dose consumed must be in accordance with the body’s needs. Don’t let something good turn out to be bad because it’s not wise to consume it.

He explained what the danger is if someone ‘over-use’ vitamin C, namely kidney problems appear that can trigger more serious conditions.

“If too high levels of vitamin C are consumed, it can cause kidney problems, due to the formation of oxalate crystals in the kidneys. However, this does not interfere with kidney function,” he explained.

“But, if the dose is high and then consumed for a long time, it can be very risky to interfere with kidney function,” continued Dr. Aida.

Likewise with the risk of taking too high a dose of vitamin D. Keep in mind, said Dr. Aida, that the consumption of vitamin D has a dose limit and everyone is different. To be sure you can undergo a blood pepper vitamin D level check.

“From there, it’s clear how much vitamin D you need. So, you shouldn’t over-use vitamin D either, because it can interfere with your body’s health,” he said.

Doctor Aida also suggested that people can rely on sunlight as a source of vitamin D. So, don’t rely entirely on vitamin D drug supplements.

“What should be noted by the public is that the consumption of vitamins C and D in this day and age is good to do, but the dosage should not be excessive,” added Dr. Aida.


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