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Excessive carbon dioxide levels inside: US school buses have to convert

of Franziska Albrecht am 28.01.2021

youtube/Lion ElectricThey still look yellow, but they have a green heart – Miami-Dade County’s new school buses

The school buses in the US state of Florida are going electric. To reduce pollutant emissions and protect students from dangerous exhaust gases, the Miami-Dade County district has electrified its fleet. The food for thought was provided by a student who discovered incredible things.

According to the US daily Miami Herald it was the pupil Holly Thorpe who informed the school board about the risks of CO2 emissions as part of a science project. Thorpe found that the carbon dioxide levels inside the buses are above average.

“In the past you had to hold your breath in the bus”

It took a year before their proposal to electrify the region’s bus fleet was actually put into practice. “We are finally turning the yellow school buses into green,” says Thorpe. “Transportation is the main source of greenhouse gases. When it comes to the health of students and drivers, electric school buses are absolutely necessary. “

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The new school buses come from the Canadian company Lion Electric Co. and are a complete success. “On a normal school day you had to hold your breath in the bus because it was so dirty, loud and uncomfortable. Nobody wants to ride on a bus like this, ”says Thomas Brulay, a student in Miami-Dade County. For him, the ride in the electric bus felt completely different. “You could really feel the progress,” explains Brulay.

“We grow up in a polluted environment plagued by global warming. And the changes are particularly noticeable in Miami, ”says Ellie Reyna, a student in the same region. “You feel safer in the electric bus because you don’t breathe any toxic fumes. It’s so much better for the bus drivers. “

According to data from Lion Electric Co. a school bus has the same climate-friendly effect as filtering 25 tons of CO2 out of the earth’s atmosphere or like pulling five combustion vehicles out of circulation forever.

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