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Exceptional Recruitment Day: Finding New Contract Teachers for Val-d’Oise Schools

The coffee maker, brought especially for the occasion, finds its place on a table near the entrance. A few moments of searching and the electrical outlets needed to plug in the laptops are found. Pens are placed on tables. Everything is ready. “It’s the first time here so you just have to get your bearings with the locals,” whispers an administrative agent from the Val-d’Oise academic inspectorate about the Pôle emploi agency in Garges-lès-Gonesse. This is where on Monday, she and around ten of her colleagues took part in an exceptional recruitment day. Objective ? Try to find new contract teachers for area schools.

2023-10-18 05:11:11
#Lack #teachers #eastern #ValdOise #National #Education #recruits #locally

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