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exceptional flash sale for this summer for 24 hours

This Wednesday, July 1, OUIGO offers low prices all day across all of its destinations in France. Do not delay to take advantage of it because the offer is limited.

France et tous les jours de l’été. Le prix ? Entre 25 et 35 euros. Attention, cette grande opération a débuté à 6 heures du matin et le nombre de billets est limité." data-reactid="24">“Tickets for the whole summer at 25 euros or 35 euros: it’s only today,” warns OUIGO. This Wednesday, July 1 only, the SNCF low cost TGV offer puts thousands of train tickets on sale for a whole day. This exceptional destocking is offered on many destinations in France and every day of the summer. The price ? Between 25 and 35 euros. Please note, this major operation started at 6 am and the number of tickets is limited.

France." data-reactid="25">If you want to discover the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, TGV journeys from Paris Center to Lyon are only 25 euros. Do you prefer to leave for Marseille and the PACA? Reduced tickets are available. A welcome destocking at a time when the French are overwhelmingly favoring holidays in France.

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