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“Excellent”: Trump wants to present Middle East peace plan

Trump’s peace plan has been awaited for a long time. Now it should go very quickly. The President issued an explosive invitation for Tuesday: to Israel’s head of government – and his challenger.

US President Donald Trump has promised to present his long-awaited Middle East peace plan within a few days. This is expected to happen before the meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his challenger Benny Gantz in Washington on Tuesday, Trump said on Thursday evening (local time) to journalists on board the Air Force One government plane en route to Florida. “We’ll probably release it just before the two come.”

US Vice President Mike Pence had previously confirmed at a meeting with Netanyahu in Jerusalem that Trump had surprisingly invited Netanyahu and Gantz to the White House for talks. Tuesday’s meeting should focus on “regional issues and the prospect of peace here in the Holy Land,” said Pence.

Trump said on board the government plane that he believed the peace plan could work. It was also “briefly” talked to the Palestinians about it. Further talks should follow. “I’m sure they may react negatively at first, but it’s actually very positive for them,” he said. “It’s a great plan. It’s a plan that would really work.” He very much wished to make this “deal”, which many said was the most difficult ever. “I love making deals.”

Trump wrote on Twitter that reports of details of a peace plan and the timing of the launch were “purely speculative.” The plan was “likely” to be presented shortly before his meeting with Netanyahu, the President said during a flight to the US state of Florida in an interview with reporters. He praised the plan as “excellent” but gave no details.

Palestinian leadership rejects peace plan

Israeli TV channel 13 reported that Trump’s peace plan was more pro-Israeli than any other in the past. The Palestinians are expected to reject him immediately. Among other things, the plan provides for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state in 85 to 95 percent of the West Bank, the broadcaster reported. The rest of the area should be annexed by Israel. However, Israel will keep security controls across the West Bank, it said. A few quarters in the eastern part of Jerusalem were to be the capital of the Palestinians. The Israeli settlements should not be evacuated, but around 8,000 settlers in settlement outposts not approved by Israel would have to leave.

Israel had conquered the West Bank and East Jerusalem, among others, during the Six Day War in 1967. Today there are more than 600,000 Israeli settlers living in more than 200 settlements. Israel has withdrawn from the Gaza Strip, which was also captured at the time. The Palestinians want to declare an independent state with the capital East Jerusalem in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Trump administration recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

Trump’s government has already made a number of unilaterally pro-Israeli decisions. In a one-sided step, she recognized Israel’s claim to the occupied Golan Heights as well as Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The United States moved its embassy there.

The Palestinian leadership has accused the US government of being pro-Israeli in the conflict. That is why it has previously rejected Trump’s peace plan. Nabil Abu Rudeinah, spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said in response to the planned meeting in Washington that if Trump’s deal contained the conditions that had already been rejected, the Palestinians would take a number of measures to safeguard their legitimate rights. Israel must fulfill its full responsibility as an occupying power. “We are warning Israel and the US government to overwrite red lines,” it said.

Pence traveled to Israel to commemorate the liberation of the German extermination camp Auschwitz 75 years ago with heads of state and government from almost 50 countries.

Government formation in Israel has so far failed

Trump invites Netanyahu and Gantz a month before a third Israeli general election within a year. This is scheduled for March 2nd. After elections in April and September last year, no government had been formed due to a standoff between the right-religious and the center-left camp. The right-wing conservative Netanyahu (Likud) failed twice in trying to form a coalition.

Trump himself said of the meeting next week that it was unprecedented that the two candidates would come to the White House together. He was surprised and impressed that the two of them were doing this in the middle of the election campaign. They both wanted peace. “Israel wants peace. The Palestinians want peace. They all want peace.”

Netanyahu said at the meeting with Pence in Jerusalem on Thursday that it was his idea to invite Gantz as well: “I think it is important that we do not miss this historic opportunity.” Pence also said that he issued the invitation for Gantz at Netanyahu’s suggestion. Gantz had accepted the invitation and would accompany Netanyahu to the White House. Pence traveled to Israel to commemorate the liberation of the German extermination camp Auschwitz 75 years ago with heads of state and government from almost 50 countries.

It is still unclear how Trump’s push will affect Netanyahu’s chances of winning an election. Right-wing Israeli politicians confirmed on Thursday that they would not agree to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

Two heads of government under pressure

Netanyahu has been hit politically because he is facing corruption charges. Debates of a parliamentary committee on Netanyahu’s request for immunity are scheduled to begin on Tuesday. If the parliament refused to grant Netanyahu immunity, the head of government would have to face a trial. According to media reports, Netanyahu had tried to postpone the decision on immunity until after the election because he currently does not have a majority and can expect to lose.

Trump is also under pressure at home because of the ongoing impeachment proceedings against him in the US Senate. Trump’s defense lawyers are likely to make their pleadings there next Tuesday, which are expected to extend over a total of three days from Saturday. Representatives in the House of Representatives accuse Trump of abuse of office and hindrance to the Chamber of Parliament’s investigation in the Ukraine affair. Trump’s impeachment, however, is extremely unlikely because his Republicans have a majority in the Senate.

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