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Examples of Parasitic Symbiosis in Ecosystems – Complete with Explanations


Parasitism is a type of symbiosis that harms one party in the ecosystem. So, what are some examples of parasitic symbiosis?

Quoting the Class VII Middle School Natural Science Book published by the Ministry of Education and Culture, symbiosis is a close relationship between populations that occupy the same habitat. Symbiosis itself is divided into three types, namely mutualism, commensalism and parasitism.

Parasitism symbiosis is a relationship of dependency when one organism called a parasite benefits from another organism. Meanwhile, other organisms called hosts will be harmed by parasites.

To better understand the concept of symbiosis, below detikSulsel has summarized examples of parasitic symbiosis in ecosystems complete with explanations. Listen carefully, OK?

Example of Parasitism Symbiosis

1. Mosquitoes and Humans

Illustration of a mosquito biting a human. Photo: Getty Images/Smith Collection/Gado

One of the most frequently encountered examples of parasitic symbiosis is the relationship between mosquitoes and humans. Mosquitoes will bite and suck human blood to fulfill their needs.

Meanwhile, humans will feel itchy and even develop dangerous diseases. Therefore, mosquitoes can become parasites that harm humans.

2. Cows and Heartworms

The next example of parasitic symbiosis is cows and liver flukes. Heartworms that live in the cow’s body will get benefits in the form of food.

Cows infested with parasites will suffer losses because their health will be compromised. That way, cows will be attacked by various kinds of diseases.

3. Flies with Fruit

Flies on fruit. Photo: TikTok @atelinaluize , iStock

Fruit flies are also an example of parasitic symbiosis. Flies on fruit can make the fruit rot.

For flies, this is beneficial because they can lay eggs and reproduce in the fruit. Meanwhile, the fruit is harmed because it becomes rotten. [1]

4. Mistletoe and Clove Tree

Mistletoe and clove trees are an example of parasitic symbiosis. The growth of clove trees that host mistletoe will be disrupted because the need for water for photosynthesis is reduced.

Meanwhile, parasites that take water from clove trees can photosynthesize. This of course benefits the mistletoe and harms the clove tree.

5. Fleas and Cats

Fleas on cats. Photo: Fleas on a cat. (Doc, Dr. Ana Sahara MSi)

Ticks are one of the harmful parasites in the symbiosis of parasitism. Fleas can suck the cat’s blood so that its body feels itchy.

Fleas on the cat’s body will find a place to live and food. In this case, the fleas benefit and the cat is harmed.

6. Tali Putri and Her Host

The relationship between the daughter cord and its host is also an example of parasitic symbiosis. The daughter cord must live on another plant or its host.

So, the plant that is the host will eventually die. That way, the daughter rope makes a profit while the host experiences a loss.

7. Fleas and Human Heads

Illustration of the life cycle of head lice. Photo: Cleveland Clinic

Just like lice on cats, lice on the human scalp is also called symbiosis parasitism. Because fleas will suck human blood and find a place to live.

Meanwhile, humans will feel itchy due to flea bites. Therefore, the fleas gain and humans lose.

8. Stomach Worms

Worms in the human stomach will have various effects such as lack of appetite, diarrhea, stomach pain, and so on. Meanwhile, the worms benefit from getting food and shelter. [2]

9. Pigs and Tapeworms

Pig Illustration Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/dusanpetkovic

The next parasitic symbiosis is the relationship between pigs and tapeworms. Pigs have much of their food digested in the intestines.

Meanwhile, tapeworms need digested food to eat. So that the tapeworm will eat the food in the pig’s intestine.

10. Mistletoe and Big Tree

Reported by the Britannica website, mistletoe is a semi-parasitic plant like a parasite which is a pest of many ornamental trees, woods and plants. Mistletoe, also known as capasilan, is a plant that sucks nutrients from trees. This plant will suck nutrients from large trees that have a lot of nutrients, thereby harming its host.

11. Fish and Leeches

black leech Photo: Thinkstock

Parasitism symbiosis can also be seen from the relationship between fish and leeches. Fish live in water which is also the habitat of leeches.

Therefore, leeches can suck fish blood. In this case the fish will be harmed and the leech will benefit because it gets food.

12. Fleas and Dogs

Fleas can also attack and harm dogs. Because fleas live in grass and can stick to dogs to suck their blood.

This can happen if the dog passes through grass or is covered in blood. These fleas are detrimental because they make dogs feel itchy.

13. Caterpillars and Wasps

Tawon parasit Foto: Live Science

Caterpillars usually eat leaves on trees and other plants. Meanwhile, wasps that live around caterpillars can lay eggs in the caterpillar’s body.

This is certainly detrimental to the caterpillars and beneficial to the wasps. Therefore, this event is also called symbiosis parasitism. [3]

14. Microsporum Fungi and Humans

How to get rid of tinea versicolor Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/Tharakorn

Microsporum fungus is a parasite that can harm humans. This fungus can cause ringworm or tinea versicolor on human skin.

Tinea versicolor will be detrimental to humans because it causes itching and discomfort. Therefore, this relationship is included in parasitic symbiosis.

15. Candida Albicans and Humans

Candida Albicans is a type of fungus that can harm humans. This fungus usually grows in the vagina, mouth and skin of humans.

This parasite that grows on human skin will cause itching and discomfort. The relationship between Candida albicans and humans is included in parasitic symbiosis. [4]

So, that’s a collection of examples of parasitic symbiosis complete with explanations. Hopefully this adds insight, detikers!


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    2024-01-22 15:30:41
    #Examples #Symbiotic #Parasitism #Living #Creatures #Harmful #Party

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