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Examples of Events That Show Human Growth

KOMPAS.com – Humans develop too growth during his life. Any example human growth? Events that show human growth is

  • Embryo development in the womb
  • A fetus that grows larger and heavier
  • Teeth growing
  • Increased height
  • Cell regeneration
  • Weight gain
  • Long hair and nails

Also read: Human Growth and Development

Embryo development in the womb

Humans come from an egg cell that is fertilized by a sperm cell. From these two very small cells, the cell continues to divide and form the embryo.

Reported from Biology Libretextsthe embryo then undergoes growth in the uterus to become larger and more complex with the structure of the fingers, toes, head, eyes, which are visible.

A fetus that grows larger and heavier

Example events that show human growth Next is the fetus which grows in size and weight.

In early pregnancy, the fetus from the embryo has a small size and light weight.

Also read: 8 Stages of Human Growth

But over time, the fetus grows in size and weight (as seen from the mother’s growing belly).

This is because the fetus is experiencing growth in which the arms and legs are getting longer, the organs and tissues of the body begin to form perfectly, as well as the weight and height that continues to grow.

Teeth growing

Teething is an event that shows human growth. Humans are born without teeth, but then teeth begin to grow.

Milk teeth will grow and are usually complete, totaling 20 in children.

Also read: Teeth: Structure, Types and Functions

Reported from Better Health Channelthe baby teeth will then begin to fall out one by one and the permanent teeth begin to grow in place of the missing teeth.

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