Home » today » News » Ex-wife “Sia Pan” promises to sue if she does not receive the money according to her will Don’t be mean-spirited Tickle Aunt Kao to clear – Khaosod

Ex-wife “Sia Pan” promises to sue if she does not receive the money according to her will Don’t be mean-spirited Tickle Aunt Kao to clear – Khaosod

Ex-wife “Sia Pan” promises to sue if she does not receive the money according to her will Don’t think that you are black-hearted. Pendant Auntie Kao to clear I suspected that the money had run out and had to flee.

After another chaos Regarding Sia Ban’s inheritance of 30 million, the middle sister was appointed as the administrator of the estate. But later his ex-wife complained that Has not yet received money according to the will Plus, Xiao Pan’s house had already been sold. While Sia’s eldest sister came out to reveal the middle sister They also said that if the problem cannot be solved going back to manage

Latest on March 11, 2023, the reporter traveled to meet Ms. Saowanee or Mod, Sia Pan’s ex-wife at Ban Diam, Chiang Waeo Sub-district, Kumphawapi District, Udon Thani Province, led by Ms. Saowanee Nam Phinaikarm. came to clarify to reporters that after aunt nine (Sister Sia Pan / Inheritance Manager) came out to reveal to reporters that The money to give to Nong Chestnut when he turns 20 is not what Auntie Kao said. Because according to the testament says After selling the land for 3,000,000 baht to Nong Chestnut Divided into 2,00,000 baht in cash, transferred to Nong Chestnut’s account, and another 1,00,000 baht will be divided into 7,000 baht per salary until Nong Chestnut is 20 years old.

The facts according to the will are like this. But now Aunt Kao who is the estate manager who has sold the land He did not know whether the money under his will remained or not. If the money is left, why not give it to the grandchildren? Or the money has run out, so you have to run away as Aunt Tiw said.

“In this regard, if on March 30, 2023, Aunt Kao did not come, I would like to exercise the right that I should be able to do, namely to file a lawsuit for embezzlement. can’t say that I’m black-hearted Because Nong Chestnut, Pan’s only son, should get money here. For the rest, I have already said that I will not interfere. There will be money in the account of 10-20 million, definitely not asking to get involved. If no money is given You have something to sell. And asked for a lump sum, did not pay in installments because he was afraid that there would be problems in the future, did not ask for much, just according to the will that was written 3 million baht only and would like to leave to Aunt Kao Asked to follow the will. Actually, I didn’t want to sue. but not according to the will We did not accept any contact, in fact we could talk to each other,” Ms. Saowanee said.

while Nong Chestnut said that when Father Pan was still alive Father would come to see him very often. Buy some toys or take them out fishing. and he likes to eat minced pork Dad will make you eat. Now he misses his father. I used to dream of seeing my father come to see me. Father did not say anything, father disappeared. He loved and missed him very much. I want Auntie Kao to bring money for her as well. Father Pan said so.

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